Winning a big lottery jackpot is my dream.

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But Chicago needs a Jeff sessions since we as American black men won't hold each other accountable for our self destructive pathologies in many cities across the country.
Jeff sessions is needed in places like Chicago since we as American black men don't believe in holding each other accountable for self-destructive pathologies many of us exhibit across the country.
If we're not going to do it, then let these racist white boy cops/ FBI agents hold Pookie, Ray-Ray and baby Tech Nine accountable.
Chicago will be flooded with the feds once Donald Trump is sworn in as it should be; sense the local government in Chicago obviously cannot handle the problem.
Chicago is hell on earth. Don't say that though, you're a sellout if you do.
Chicago gets the press but many american cities are hell holes where your life is basically worthless..
You not black neg and stop it.Jeff sessions is needed in places like Chicago since we as American black men don't believe in holding each other accountable for self-destructive pathologies many of us exhibit across the country.
If we're not going to do it, then let these racist white boy cops/ FBI agents hold Pookie, Ray-Ray and baby Tech Nine accountable.
Chicago will be flooded with the feds once Donald Trump is sworn in as it should be; sense the local government in Chicago obviously cannot handle the problem.
Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on Monday endorsed Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions to be U.S. attorney general under President-elect Donald Trump.
Rice, an Alabama native herself, wrote a letter of appreciation to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) about Sessions, and CNN reports that she said Sessions, a “friend,” is someone she admired “greatly.”
“He is a man who is committed to justice and knows that law and order are necessary to guarantee freedom and liberty,” Rice wrote.
If any of my civil liberties or civil rights are violated I know how to file a civil lawsuit on my own against any law enforcement agency that fringes upon my rights.
That's the difference between me as a 28 year old American black man who took paralegal courses at a community college in order to learn how to defend myself legally in a white supremacist country and your average dumb ass black guy like yourself who lives day by day sagging his pants and listening to lil Wayne every day.
I will be fine during Donald Trump's administration ,however, idiots like Pookie, Ray Ray and baby Tech 9 need to be the put in jail or put in the grave since we as American black men will not hold each other accountable for what we are doing in our own communities.