"Bullshyt responses" huh

... 2 secs later....
You're the Queen of resorting to "bullshyt responses". Because you're stupid and don't possess the little bit of wits it takes to go at a mf withOUT resorting to

The entire site knows that I'm 5'11. Proven time and again in The Ring, in my Kyokushin training threads, and even once standing next to the height chart in Burger King.
6' in timbs.
You, on the other hand, have never even so much as posted a proof pic to show you're not really some cac, let alone posted multiple full pics like myself. That said, you don't even need to post a proof pic, brehito. We all know your Meximidget ass ain't but 4'11 and built like a leggo block, hence the constant projecting of your height deficiencies onto others
Stay short and racist, my illegal friend