The black community always shown focus on black men plights never black women plights.
This isn't true.
The majority of black media is centered on/marketed to females.
You wouldn't have the boldness to be here if you didn't feel "empowered" already.
Jet, Essence, Ebony, Own, TheRoot, MadameNoir, Blackgirlsrock, AfroPunk, and hundreds more are centered on Black WOMEN, because you have the collective propensity to SPEND. This has been reported on several times by "white female" and white media in general
Black Women's Buying Power Is Helping To Define Mainstream Culture: Report
Nielsen Report:
Why? Y'all seek out validation and visibility, and as a whole, want to be competitive on the female market. You want the (artificial/false premises) so-called beauty equity with white women who are there BY DEFAULT due to the social ranking of white men. They don't "deserve" to be there? Aww, too bad so sad. The whites just steal the qualities they like best and sell them back to you, in a more expensive package.
It's funny you say black men are "centered", when there was a 350:9 black male to female police death ratio, yet 3 out of those 9 women were given equivalent and somewhat BOOSTED media attention? There were orgs like BLM started by black women and gay men, and they now have the loudest voices in the so called "movement" and they are the orgs being flown in and funded by multiple white benefactors.
Meanwhile, Black men like Darren Seals, DeAndre Joshua, Shawn Gray, and Danye Jones were killed in brutal and mysterious fashion after being frontline protestors FROM the area.
Not a hair on Netta's big fat ass head has been moved.
No septum rings were harmed, and gay ass Deray's vest didn't even get dirty.
Women came and got PAID off of a dead brotha's name, 4 more brothas passed trying to fight...not a word, but I know some of those same "blm" folks were threatening nikkas, and they just LOOOOVE white money.
#sayhername is #alllivesmatter for women jealous of dead men's attention. How sick do you have to be to want that?
The "bad parenting" conversation always shifts to the absentee father, even among men...sounds a bit gynocentric to me.
There's so much more but you won't get it, you don't have the capacity to understand, and you've been gassed into thinking you're above the black man. That's why you're here: to mock, divide, and objectify.
Just like a cac. You learned well.