Then got the nerve to be talking about natural hair when most shave themselves practically bald, so that they don't have to "deal" with it. Then the ones with long natural hair are like "well I did it why can't you"? Knowing damn well that they only wore one style for 3 years, and barely touched their hair.
Something people would call women crazy for doing. It'll be "why don't you switch your style up" and "you should change your hair". Manipulation is the mortal enemy of natural hair, and when women find a low manipulation hairstyle (weave) it's a problem? Then the big elephant in the room... blacks have been told that their hair is less than, unkempt, unprofessional, and a whole other host of negative things for centuries. Of course some people are going to believe that indoctrination. But, no let's worry about women who don't wear their natural hair and make fun of them instead of doing something like educating our people and building a black economy. Oh, and all this Is coming from someone with natural hair.