the coli: where a black dude going to prison because he stole a million dollars with sim cards is celebrated but a bunch of black people doing a harmless symbolic gesture about legally going to med school is met with neck-poppin.
You see it
the coli: where a black dude going to prison because he stole a million dollars with sim cards is celebrated but a bunch of black people doing a harmless symbolic gesture about legally going to med school is met with neck-poppin.
the coli: where a black dude going to prison because he stole a million dollars with sim cards is celebrated but a bunch of black people doing a harmless symbolic gesture about legally going to med school is met with neck-poppin.
From the post I saw on Twitter it was along the lines of "we are the dreams and fulfillment of our ancestors. We overcame... got through the struggle, etc".
the coli: where a black dude going to prison because he stole a million dollars with sim cards is celebrated but a bunch of black people doing a harmless symbolic gesture about legally going to med school is met with neck-poppin.
lol @ anyone who has a “problem” w/ this or playing stupid enough not to “get it”
French surnames???It's damn near 2020, we can't accept any inspiring stories about black people without confirming if they're ADOS. Ledet and Labst sound Haitian
Even if they are ADOS, it's not gonna close the racial wealth gap so
I had a thread somewhat concerning this very thing and it infuriated a certain fewFrench surnames???
In Louisiana???
Surely they can’t be ADOS
You do know I was being facetious right?I had a thread somewhat concerning this very thing and it infuriated a certain few
Change your sig. Chancelor Williams wasn’t with the patriotic non-sense you on
depends on their intention behind it, but i for one, have at least a few moments each year where i look at where i am and think of where my roots are from and both feel for their plight but am thankful for their fight. personally, everything aint for social media, people try too hard to create look at me moments, so i while they did that, i hope there were real moments of thought and reflection on that trip, not just a trip to the site for a flick.@xoxodede @dora_da_destroyer
tagging you two because you had an interesting convo about plantations in the thread about Plantation Weddings.
Wanted to know your thoughts about this story.
.....I can't anymore, so much negativity, people are literally getting a rush out of finding ways to demean their own. There's a way to celebrate the accomplishment while not condoning the clout aspect of it, which I don't think was their intent. I think it has more to do with awareness and upliftment while putting public attention on how they rose against adversity. How many times do we actually see positive black imagery or depictions in the media?? But when we do people find a way to make it a negative situation to focus on- instead of the symbolism.the coli: where a black dude going to prison because he stole a million dollars with sim cards is celebrated but a bunch of black people doing a harmless symbolic gesture about legally going to med school is met with neck-poppin.