I'm pretty sure they definitely got got a real form organization to reach the youth.
Some of the skeptical comments written here are especially puzzling because I included a print article along with the video in OP.
That article mentions that
The image of a group of African-American medical students from Tulane University in New Orleans visiting a former slave plantation in
Louisiana called the Whitney Plantation has resonated with viewers as well as with the students in the photo who called it an emotional moment.
All are members of the Student National Medical Association which aims to support minority students who are underrepresented in the medical profession.
Even a person not familiar with that organization could have figured out what its function was . If they were genuinely skeptical about the story, they could have googled the name. This is what they would have found after the 2 second search.
pipeline programs
The need for more physicians of color to serve in underrepresented communities has become more apparent as health disparities have increased between ethnic groups. Studies indicate that physicians of color are more likely to serve in communities with these disparities. To place healthcare providers in the critical need areas, the U.S. government has funded several programs to address these shortages. Although one-fourth of the nation's population is of comprised of people of color, less than ten percent of its physicians reflect that diversity. There is an unmet need that stems from three general weaknesses.
- Active recruitment and targeted exposure of underrepresented minority students to this field of study.
- Adequate preparation URM students for the rigorous pursuit of careers in medicine.
- A lack of a multifaceted support structure for students already embroiled in these undertakings.
SNMA is committed to help increase the pipeline of students of color that consider and prepare for medical and scientific careers.
Our direct and classroom style mentoring programs in science appreciation and education, mentoring, and academic enrichment to elementary, junior high school, high school and college students interested in pursuing health-related careers. Working primarily through local chapters, SNMA is proud to organize and sponsor local pipeline programs that directly serve students of color through education and guidance.