Yo I can't even watch any of these videos.
I don't want to see some of our people's final moments at the hands of a police officer's unrestrained rage for no reason whatsoever.
This has to change cause I refuse to let future generations live in a world like this without knowing I did my part to change it.
they do that.Attorney Mari Newman, who represents the family, contended that there would be evidence if McClain had grabbed the gun. "Don't you think if he really had grabbed someone's gun, we would see fingerprints that have been lifted from the gun?" she said.
When asked if he found any evidence that corroborates Roedema's claim, Young said he had "no evidence to contradict that."
Devil doublespeak. A clean and legal way to say something by saying nothing. If you didn't bother to look and all you got is his word then you ain't bout to find any evidence otherwise. This nikka ain't slick
It’s only a matter of time. At this rate it’ll probably be a nonblack who does it.The pigs need to get picked off one by one..
Attorney Rips "Undetermined" Autopsy in Elijah McClain Aurora Police Death
"The document "shows injuries over, really, almost all of Elijah's body," Newman points out. "His face was covered with abrasions, he had hemorrhaging in his neck, he had abrasions across his entire back, on his chest, on his shoulder, on his legs. So it's very clear that the officers used force that impacted his entire body."
In addition, she goes on, "Elijah had vomit in his lungs, which you expect considering what I saw in the video" — footage that has not yet been publicly released but is far from complete, since the body-worn cameras of the initial responding officers supposedly became dislodged and recorded mainly audio during the almost fifteen minutes the encounter lasted. "That asphyxiation was obviously caused by the police tackling him. That made him vomit, and then they pinned him down in his own vomit — and when he moved, one of the police officers said that if he did it again, he'd bring in the hounds to bite him."
As if this one couldn't get any more fuked up