"it's such a shame how a mix man raised by a white woman, valued blk women better than blk men raised by blk women"
It's bull.
We don't control those things.
We control who we fukk.
It looks disingenuous.
Imma have to agree with her breh... in 2017, its possible to work for yourself or a black person... spend money with black people.... and pay a black landlord's rent or own your own property.
you dont HAVE to economically empower white people, if you dont want to.....
I do it everyday.
granted, some of my money probably lands in white hands thru random shyt I buy..... but I dont interact with white people at all.
before I was working for myself, I worked for my father..... he had his own business and protected the whole family from white supremacy... I don't even know what working for a white person feels like.... literally only worked for the family business and then started my own thing
even now, my current landlord is a black man.....
The same way you do it while working 4 them, shopping in stores they own and living on their properties
Good for him. He can date who he please and simultaneously be a champion for racial justice. Only you fools will consider this a "diss" of any sorts.
I remember Black women slamming Black men on social media after Jesse's acceptance speech!
I need to find some of those accounts and see what those women have to say, now.
Glad he got over that self hate, and finally got himself a woman that looks like his mama.
He can do his activist thing
Umar is still right tho
Lol I'm always right idk what u thoughtYou got one this time