Why are you guys acting like that ? Who says African/Carribean immigrants feel superior to you guys anyway ? This research was made by Whites as an attempt to divide Blacks. Once again. And we're falling for it. Once again.
You are getting dumber and dumber in every post and you are showing your lack of knowledge about the living conditions and economics of African Americans in the USA during the 1960's and 1970's. African Americans didn't have a higher standard of living than most people in the African nations during the 1960's and 1970's. Did you ever visit the Southern USA in the 1960's and 1970's, which is were most African Americans roots are from? Most Black people in the Southern USA were living in shacks and many of them didn't even have indoor plumbing during that time; which is comparable to the situation that many Africans lived in on the continent. Many more Black people in the USA were living in housing projects are or in run down neighborhoods all over the USA due to stuff like red lining after many of them had migrated from the South.
African Americans situation didn't improve economically until the late 70's and 80's when a bunch of cases came down prohibiting discrimination in employment, education and housing. Oddly enough that is when a great deal of the Black middle class abandoned our cities.
What's the name of those cases and why do you think black people decided to abandon black cities?
There are a lot of Federal and State cases on these issue, in fact there are too many to list; which shows how deep and strong segregation was. So I will just list a couple of the big ones that made it to the USA Supreme Court:
Griggs v. Duke Power Company which was decided in 1971.
Here is fair housing case:
Jones v. Alfred H. Mayer Co. which was decided in 1968.
Linmark Associates, Inc., v. Township of Willingboro
Here are a list of other Civil Rights cases and more background information:
My personal opinion is that middle class black people moved out of the cities in an attempt to integrate by following White people that had also left the cities. What they soon found out is that those neighborhoods almost always became all Black (like Ferguson, MO) due to block busting tactics employed by the realtors and White Flight. My theory might be wrong, but that is my theory.
The Census Bureau projects that by 2060, 16.5 percent of U.S. Blacks will be immigrants,” .... not 17%
Yall stay posting this dumb article
Also comparing 3-4 million people to 40 million people by taking an average is 5th grade math. Take the 4 million best AAs and it'd get ugly
African Americans are not threatened by immigrants. Immigrants just have no idea of what African Americans had to go through in order for an immigrant to even be in the USA. It was a long hard fight. Immigrants can enjoy the fruits of a fight that they didn't have to engage in, but what they will find out after they are in the USA for a while is what the White people in this Country actually think of them. That is the day that immigrants will see with their own eyes what African Americans already know.
It's beyond stupid. There is no comparison. They aren't even allowing Africans anymore from Black countries unless they got bank.They feel ashamed and inferior.
nikkas on thecoli on average don't know their own history. They just talk through their emotions. Too many are bytchmade. It's a nice thing when brehs and brehettes know their history because they are like a weapon. A powerful weapon.You are getting dumber and dumber in every post and you are showing your lack of knowledge about the living conditions and economics of African Americans in the USA during the 1960's and 1970's. African Americans didn't have a higher standard of living than most people in the African nations during the 1960's and 1970's. Did you ever visit the Southern USA in the 1960's and 1970's, which is were most African Americans roots are from? Most Black people in the Southern USA were living in shacks and many of them didn't even have indoor plumbing during that time; which is comparable to the situation that many Africans lived in on the continent. Many more Black people in the USA were living in housing projects are or in run down neighborhoods all over the USA due to stuff like red lining after many of them had migrated from the South.
African Americans situation didn't improve economically until the late 70's and 80's when a bunch of cases came down prohibiting discrimination in employment, education and housing. Oddly enough that is when a great deal of the Black middle class abandoned our cities.
This is somewhat true. Depending on your tribe and your group, you people's could have been slavecatchers and slave traders.You will not respond to it, because you obviously knew nothing about it. You just assumed that some people sitting in African villages were worse off than black sharecroppers in the American South; which is a complete fallacy. Are you even old enough to remember the 60's and 70's in the USA? Obviously not. You have clearly never heard of the Great Migration in the USA where millions of African Americans left the Southern USA to go to the Northern States in the USA for employment. That is how millions of African Americans are in the Northern States right now. You clearly know nothing about the sharecropping that African Americans were involved in and how they were cheated and arrested and even lynched in the South if they complained about it.
Great Migration (African American) - Wikipedia
That is my problem with immigrants coming to the USA. They know nothing about the USA, except for what some White peace corps worker back in their villages told them. So you all come here and assume this and that about African Americans without knowing any damn thing. Did you realize that African Americans were literally starving to death in this Country just 47 years ago? Dr. King led a poor people campaign that changed the lot of many poor people (including Whites and Hispanics); in fact Dr. King was murdered during one of the stops in Memphis, Tennessee, in 1968.
Poor People's Campaign - Wikipedia
So don't assume that the lives of African Americans in the USA were so much better off than the lives of people in villages in Nigeria. The wealth that you see African Americans with now has been essentially gotten over the last 30-40 years. What I do laugh at though is that many Nigerians have to come to America. Their ancestors had no problems warring on and selling war captives to the Europeans. Many African American ancestors were captured and sold by the Nigerians and the Nigerians got rich off of slave trading. Now Nigerians descendants are reduced to begging for entry into the very land where African American ancestors were sold off to,