Despite being over, Norman Smiley was severely misused by WCW; and I don't think he ever got a televised match in WWE.
2 Cold Scorpio deserves a mention for giving all flippy wrestlers a style to run with. First guy I ever saw hit a 450.
He also deserves afor punking Buff Bagwell in front of his girl and whooping the dog shyt out of Hawk from LOD in North Korea.
Interview with black queens Naomi, Bianca Belair, Stephanie McMahon and Kayla Braxton about women of color in wrestling.
Not even an honorable mention for iceman king parsons, brick house brown , butch reed or 2 cold Scorpio?
The Iceman was underrated on the mic. I always thought that Dusty Rhodes's blaccent and mannerisms were some things he stole from Iceman Parsons.
Nah, Dusty was doing that whole jive talking act in the mid-70s down in Florida and Iceman didn't start wrestling until 1979.