I haven’t been through this thread yet, so excuse me if this has already been said, but shout out to Koko B. Ware
- 31 year wrestling career (1978 - 2009)
- Breh was 5’7 or 5’9 (Internet has both listed) 228 pounds wrestling in the big and roided up era of 1980s WWF as a regular jobber, and got over so much, he was upgraded to “jobber to the stars”.
To get over with a gimmick that I honestly think nobody else could’ve pulled off on the roster as a jobber is impressive
- Helped lay the foundation for other black wrestlers after him. We all know how

wrestling is now, I can’t even imagine the shyt he’s seen in his day
- WWE HoF (and fukk anyone who thinks he shouldn’t be inducted, Drew Carey is in that mf)
- He could GO in the ring, and make the stars look like money
and we can’t forget Frankie (RIP)