Black funeral director is fed up with the black on black Violences


All Star
Jan 14, 2015
Are these genetic traits you just listed? If not, what causes them?

No, I don't believe any of these social ills can be reduced down to genetics.

Perhaps I should've qualified my statements in the previous comment better, as I believe the vast majority of them can, if traced back far enough, be rooted in some form of systematic oppression of our people, whether currently active or inactive. Where I disagree with the previous poster on the first page is that many of the forms of oppression that some of these social ills are rooted in are no longer active, and the social ills them selves may have become so deeply rooted, prominent, and culturized that they've grown legs of their own, and are self-sustaining & self-propagating, so that even if you got rid of systematic oppression against our people today MANY of these social ills within our community would still persist and need to be dealt with.

My point is that it does us no good in being overly sensitive when it comes to preserving the image and honor of our community by protecting it from any and all criticism that we stifle an attempt at honest discussion aimed at solving these issues, by shaming & attacking the messenger, especially when they're from our own community, which means they have just as much of validity in their opinion as you do.
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