Black funeral director is fed up with the black on black Violences


All Star
Jan 14, 2015
I don't think it's accurate to completely chalk the rampant crime in African-American communities up to only external systematic oppression. Yes, there are many tangible ways in which it does contribute to the problem, but it is certainly not the end all be all itself. There are other poor non-white urban communities in the US that have don't have anywhere near the amount of violent crime in their communities as is present in certain segments of the African-American community, even when you adjust for the income and development environment(urban,suburban, rural etc) factors.

For instance, while contrary to the bs spewed by keyboard klansmen WS, blacks, when adjusted for income and development environment, have a lower violent crime rate than whites, BUT hispanics have a much lower violent crime rate than both using the same metric.

So, yes systematic oppression does have SOMETHING, but not EVERYTHING to do with crime.

Lack of education, mental illness, personality disorders, lack of supervision & role models for children, backwards cultural values/morals/principles, piss poor/corrupt policing, and collective apathy towards the issues are just some, along with economics, that lead to the extremely high rate of crime experience in many(not most) majority African-American communities.

There are just some of the serious clear internal dysfunctions in the African-American community that don't primarily have to do with systematic oppression. All of them deserved to be addressed in their own right, as well as crime itself, along with systematic oppression. It's not a zero sum game. We can and should address the internal dysfunctions AND systematic oppression that affects our community.

Iraqi-Americans and Burmese-Americans have an even lower average household income than African-Americans yet violent crime in their communities is no where near as prevalent as it is in ours.
List of ethnic groups in the United States by household income - Wikipedia

We can't just pretend like there aren't other internal factors from within our community, particularly relating to culture, that contribute to the problem of violent crime in our community.
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All Star
Jan 14, 2015
You missed a lot of big AA centric threads and the opportunity to educate morons on AA history.

lol I know I caught a lot of them in the last few months lurking before I decided to jump back in the mix.

Now that you mention it. I would've came back a lot earlier, but there was something going on with the sign up process where I couldn't change my pw after either having forgotten it, or it just was removed from the cache or something. IDK. But, one day I realized that I could sign back in and waited for about a month and now here we are. lol

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
lol I know I caught a lot of them in the last few months lurking before I decided to jump back in the mix.

Now that you mention it. I would've came back a lot earlier, but there was something going on with the sign up process where I couldn't change my pw after either having forgotten it, or it just was removed from the cache or something. IDK. But, one day I realized that I could sign back in and waited for about a month and now here we are. lol

@IllmaticDelta @The College Dropout @Poitier

Bless this guy into AA gang. He's a beast and I learned ALOT from him.


The Black King You Love To Hate
Jun 8, 2015
The Universe
I don't think it's accurate to completely chalk the rampant crime in African-American communities up to only external systematic oppression. Yes, there are many tangible ways in which it does contribute to the problem, but it is certainly not the end all be all itself. There are other poor non-white urban communities in the US that have don't have anywhere near the amount of violent crime in their communities as is present in certain segments of the African-American community, even when you adjust for the income and development environment(urban,suburban, rural etc) factors.

For instance, while contrary to the bs spewed by keyboard klansmen WS, blacks, when adjusted for income and development environment, have a lower violent crime rate than whites, BUT hispanics have a much lower violent crime rate than both using the same metric.

So, yes systematic oppression does have SOMETHING, but not EVERYTHING to do with crime.

Lack of education, mental illness, personality disorders, lack of supervision & role models for children, backwards cultural values/morals/principles, piss poor/corrupt policing, and collective apathy towards the issues are just some, along with economics, that lead to the extremely high rate of crime experience in many(not most) majority African-American communities.

There are just some of the serious clear internal dysfunctions in the African-American community that don't primarily have to do with systematic oppression. All of them deserved to be addressed in their own right, as well as crime itself, along with systematic oppression. It's not a zero sum game. We can and should address the internal dysfunctions AND systematic oppression that affects our community.

Iraqi-Americans and Burmese-Americans have an even lower average household income than African-Americans yet violent crime in their communities is no where near as prevalent as it is in ours.
List of ethnic groups in the United States by household income - Wikipedia

We can't just pretend like there aren't other internal factors from within our community, particularly relating to culture, that contribute to the problem of violent crime in our community.

Are these genetic traits you just listed? If not, what causes them?


Freeing Pokemon From Their Masters Since 1996
May 23, 2012
Cerulean Cave
Why would he be fed up though? It's good business for him. He could use the money he makes to invest in the community. Money rules the world. You make change by making your money speak for you. Not by making angry rants on youtube that people are gonna forget about a week later.


AKA Chief Green Leaf
May 13, 2013
lets ignore the federal gov't repeated attempts to stiffle black progress at every level since the first got damn day we landed on this rock, AA are doing extremely well based off our history in this country.

and as some of yall pointed out if im poor i cant exactly go drive 20 mins to go rob someone of another race


Nov 26, 2016
He's fed up w/ black on black violence?

I can't believe this is a point of discussion that is used as a way to shame urban communities into some sort of "wake up" moment where what is supposed to happen? Peace?

Everytime I have this discussion, the first point I bring up is INTRARACIAL crime is representative of normal crime trends. People in close proximity will be victims of crime by neighbors and in these communities, neighbors overwhelmingly are of the same race.

Regarding Volume of crime in the urban community?
This is a valid discussion point. But the problem is, no amount of kumbaya speech is going to magically change the community dynamic if those communities are still being affected by institutionalized racism.

If you are truly disgusted by the high rate of crime in the urban community, don't try to shame the young men and women in those communities. Shame the institutions and municipalities that have failed at their job to provide opportunity for development. Blame the school systems that allow teachers and administrations to punch in and out with the mindstate that outside of a few students, most of the children are underachievers. Blame the politicians who leech those communities for votes but never deliver on the promise of true representation. And blame the archaic law enforcement policy that perpetuates the precinct by precinct environment that believes these communities are war zones filled w/ enemy combatants that are actively trying to kill police - which translates into police officers not going into the community to protect and serve but going in the community viewing black and brown teenagers as vietcong.

Special Mention: Blame the Housing authorities of urban communities who fail to provide humane conditions for black and brown people to live in.

It is EXTREMELY easy to not value your own life or the life of the next black man if you are constantly being told you ain't shyt by the above mentioned fukk boys.

The only group that needs to pull up their sagged pants... it the rest of fukking society in that they need to fix their view on these communities into a more realistic and compassionate perspective.

Dapped, Repped /thread


Nov 21, 2013
He's fed up w/ black on black violence?

I can't believe this is a point of discussion that is used as a way to shame urban communities into some sort of "wake up" moment where what is supposed to happen? Peace?

Everytime I have this discussion, the first point I bring up is INTRARACIAL crime is representative of normal crime trends. People in close proximity will be victims of crime by neighbors and in these communities, neighbors overwhelmingly are of the same race.

Regarding Volume of crime in the urban community?
This is a valid discussion point. But the problem is, no amount of kumbaya speech is going to magically change the community dynamic if those communities are still being affected by institutionalized racism.

If you are truly disgusted by the high rate of crime in the urban community, don't try to shame the young men and women in those communities. Shame the institutions and municipalities that have failed at their job to provide opportunity for development. Blame the school systems that allow teachers and administrations to punch in and out with the mindstate that outside of a few students, most of the children are underachievers. Blame the politicians who leech those communities for votes but never deliver on the promise of true representation. And blame the archaic law enforcement policy that perpetuates the precinct by precinct environment that believes these communities are war zones filled w/ enemy combatants that are actively trying to kill police - which translates into police officers not going into the community to protect and serve but going in the community viewing black and brown teenagers as vietcong.

Special Mention: Blame the Housing authorities of urban communities who fail to provide humane conditions for black and brown people to live in.

It is EXTREMELY easy to not value your own life or the life of the next black man if you are constantly being told you ain't shyt by the above mentioned fukk boys.

The only group that needs to pull up their sagged pants... it the rest of fukking society in that they
He's fed up w/ black on black violence?

I can't believe this is a point of discussion that is used as a way to shame urban communities into some sort of "wake up" moment where what is supposed to happen? Peace?

Everytime I have this discussion, the first point I bring up is INTRARACIAL crime is representative of normal crime trends. People in close proximity will be victims of crime by neighbors and in these communities, neighbors overwhelmingly are of the same race.

Regarding Volume of crime in the urban community?
This is a valid discussion point. But the problem is, no amount of kumbaya speech is going to magically change the community dynamic if those communities are still being affected by institutionalized racism.

If you are truly disgusted by the high rate of crime in the urban community, don't try to shame the young men and women in those communities. Shame the institutions and municipalities that have failed at their job to provide opportunity for development. Blame the school systems that allow teachers and administrations to punch in and out with the mindstate that outside of a few students, most of the children are underachievers. Blame the politicians who leech those communities for votes but never deliver on the promise of true representation. And blame the archaic law enforcement policy that perpetuates the precinct by precinct environment that believes these communities are war zones filled w/ enemy combatants that are actively trying to kill police - which translates into police officers not going into the community to protect and serve but going in the community viewing black and brown teenagers as vietcong.

Special Mention: Blame the Housing authorities of urban communities who fail to provide humane conditions for black and brown people to live in.

It is EXTREMELY easy to not value your own life or the life of the next black man if you are constantly being told you ain't shyt by the above mentioned fukk boys.

The only group that needs to pull up their sagged pants... it the rest of fukking society in that they need to fix their view on these communities into a more realistic and compassionate perspective.

Breh all that you say they're doing against us is true but when are we going to realize it, educate each other about it, then change the way WE move in regards to what's happening against us? That's the next logical step. Trying to "shame" or appeal to their emotions as a way to get them to stop doing what basically built them their empire shouldn't really even be considered. Because it wouldn't make sense for them to stop when you consider the benefits they receive by having blacks in the position they are

But since we're not standing on any type of unified front the only thing that makes sense to some is to ask them to either stop doing what they're doing or to fix our problems. Neither of which would benefit the ones you're asking. So the real problem is the lack of a culture which includes a common G/god/spiritual belief system, knowledge of homeland,and a set of standards among other things. These are the things needed to combat the ills you mention