Some nikkas look for shyt that really aint there. Homie, I've TOLD you I havent seen any gay activity. Is there probably? Yes, just like any other but instead of seeing that these orgs take regular Black male college students as members, but for some reason (
) you're sniffing endlessly for shyt that aint as big of a deal as it is. God forbid, some Black college students are gay AND some may be members of a frat. It's not an epidemic.
Like I said, many members join to separate themselves from the regular nikkas on the yard and get women. You're searching for something that isnt a regular thing and making it seem that thats what these orgs are about. I guess if you're searching that hard maybe you'll find a chapter thats fukked like that but it doesnt rep all and as a member of a Black Greek org for about 7-8 years who pledged, I havent seen none of my Kappa brothers talkin bout a process where they were doin this and that. FOH.
Hey do me a favor:
Can you find in this thread where I said "All black frat members are fakkits" ?
Does the thread title say that? Or does it say the Black Boyz Club is a Safe-house for Down Low black fakkits?
Would you like me, a non-college educated street raised foreigner to explain to you the exact breakdown of the thread title? Ok, I will sir. Rather....maybe not, I'll let your own "language" tell it so your college educated brain can be more comfortable.
safe house is, in a generic sense, a secret place for sanctuary or suitable to hide persons from the law, hostile actors or actions, or from retribution, threats or perceived danger.
[1] It may also be a
1 [uhv, ov; unstressed uhv or, esp. before consonants, uh] Show IPA preposition
(used to indicate distance or direction from, separation, deprivation, etc.): within a mile of the church; south of Omaha; to be robbed of one's money.
(used to indicate derivation, origin, or source): a man of good family; the plays of Shakespeare; a piece of cake.
(used to indicate cause, motive, occasion, or reason): to die of hunger.
(used to indicate material, component parts, substance, or contents): a dress of silk; an apartment of three rooms; a book of poems; a package of cheese.
(used to indicate apposition or identity): Is that idiot of a salesman calling again?
Down-low is an
African American slang term
[1] that refers to a subculture of men who usually identify as
heterosexual, but
who have sex with men; some avoid sharing this information even if they have female sexual partner(s).
[2][3][4][5] The term is also used to refer to a related sexual identity.
[5][6] Down-low has been viewed as '"a type of impression management that some of the informants use to present themselves in a manner that is consistent with perceived norms about
masculine attribute, attitudes and behaviour'".
Got it now?
Another favor: Can you please address the video that I sent to you. Seeing that it has to do with Your city & your boyz club?
Last Favor: Send me a youtube clip of your Boyz Club right now. This is the age of technology and self absorbtion. Vainglory and camera-phones. There's no way there isn't footage of you guys doing community service, teaching your culture, and all the other great things you've claimed. I am demanding to know the name of your Boyz Club, and the school they operate in. Right this second. If not, thats proof that your'e a shameful fakkit. You're a fakkit until proven otherwise. You send me the name & school, or you're a fakkit.