Looked though her twitter. I'm assuming her hatred for black men comes from her being raped.
Truth be told, I think there is a big correlation between feminist extremists and traumatic experiences.
But do I think these women should be used to generalize all black feminist/womanists? Absolutely not.
I am one.
Do I believe in patriarchy? Yes.
Do I believe in submission? Yes.
Do I believe women need accountability for bad decisions? Yes.
I'm all about empowering black women to be the best that they can be without societal pressures. If all a woman wants in life is a husband and kids, that is her right. Same way the likes of Shonda Rhimes shouldn't be shunned bc she chooses the opposite. Black women shouldn't be viewed as purely sexual objects and her worth shouldn't be determined by her waist-to-hip ratio.
Now how many of you (men and women) have called a woman worthless bc she was over 35, single and no kids?
How many of you think a woman only laying on her back and having kids is wasting her potential?
How many of you have cracked on skinny black girls for having "boy bodies"?
How many of you have only been interested in a woman bc she had a fat ass then proceeded to manipulate your way into her bed?
Some of you have even admitted to violence against your own women.
Yes, we as black women need to work on our self-esteem issues, our internal misogyny, our fears and insecurities but black men also share a part in this.