"Black Features Are Beautiful. Black Women Are Not" - Amandla Stenberg

Will Ross

May 5, 2012
Black men like black women complain about cultural appropriation all the time. The second bolded is a very BAD example. That's actually a form of white supremacy and its beauty standards. Everyone knows the European phenotype is the standard beauty world wide and the "negroid" phenotype is the least attractive. That's what black women are complaining about, but how the heck can you steal a phenotype??

But more importantly the main thing bw are complaining is WW stealing their STYLE! Which is what my post was about. Cornrolls is usually associated with bw, and when it is its considered negative. Once a ww has cornrolls its positive. Twerking when a black women does it, its disgusting and ghetto but when WW does it, its fun and sexy. Get where the fustraction comes from? No culture gets appropriated as much as black culture.

Black women looking for white male approval is the issue.
Way too many black women put stock into how white men view them.


Feb 26, 2014
Miami Gardens/North Miami
Black men like black women complain about cultural appropriation all the time. The second bolded is a very BAD example. That's actually a form of white supremacy and its beauty standards. Everyone knows the European phenotype is the standard beauty world wide and the "negroid" phenotype is the least attractive. That's what black women are complaining about, but how the heck can you steal a phenotype??

But more importantly the main thing bw are complaining is WW stealing their STYLE! Which is what my post was about. Cornrolls is usually associated with bw, and when it is its considered negative. Once a ww has cornrolls its positive. Twerking when a black women does it, its disgusting and ghetto but when WW does it, its fun and sexy. Get where the fustraction comes from? No culture gets appropriated as much as black culture.
Black men do complain about culture appropriation(example: hip hop culture) but we don't complain about white men on mimicking black men on how they look or dress.

We don't complain about white men having dreeds or dressing black, they did that for decades. Black women are complaining about white women wearing braids accusing them of stealing they're hair when they never claim is they're hairstyle.:mindblown:

And about the twerking, I remember black people were criticizing and shaming other black people who was doing twerking,than one non-booty white chick did it and now is "Your stealing from us":damn:, when some black people didn't want to claim that in the first place.


Nov 25, 2014

Nollywood? I almost thought we was in America for a minute
You clearly missed the point. What could be considered the most successful black-dominated patriarchal society still subscribes to European beauty standards, so that the idea that a widespread version of Niger would erase those standards is bullshyt.


All Star
Jun 21, 2012
mexicans aren't doing all of the foundational maintenance in society

And neither are Black men, so the wealth gap over a far better educated group still isn't explained. Except by male privilege which Black men benefit from of course.

i swear, you're so contradictory. you JUST said:

so are we responsible for your oppression or not?

The fact that you don't understand how stupid this question is and how what you mentioned is not at all contradictory...reading comprehension is key, marcus.

also, how is earning pennies more than BW a gender privilege when you'd still earn MUCH less than WW as a BM? you didn't list any privileges or "freedoms" that are exclusive to BM, not ONE.

Because it directly defats your lies that Black women aren't negatively effected by race and sex. No one said WW earn less than BM. WM aren't foolish or desperate enough to go after their women because they can't stand against other men, so of course they will pay her more than you, while you wax poetic about "us mens" doing all the "real labor".

oh please, coli rhetoric != real life. i've never, EVER, heard a black man get up on national news and down talk BW.

And he shouldn't. He would have no cause. Keep crying about 90s talk shows and Waiting to Exhale though. I know that's coming next, even though they existed at the same time as some of the most venomous, misogynist rap music Black men proudly created.

please name one instance where a BM has gone on tv and spoke about the ills of single mothers in the BC, JUST ONE example.

The thousands of videos and comments on social media from Black men aren't enough? Keep grasping.

you're an idiot. patriarchy is not some large group encompassing all men. each group has their own patriarchal structure they're fighting to build and maintain. asians have their patriarchy, whites have their patriarchy, indians have their patriarchy, and blacks have our matriarchal bubble surrounded by patriarchy. if you destroy white patriarchy, another groups patriarchy will take it place.

I'm an idiot but you're too stupid to even define the thing you swear the Black community is? Show me some evidence. I have listed plenty of things that make it clear its a patriarchy which you've just ignored and denied. Show me something besides the one random video from some random woman you have bookmarked for whenever someone debunks your delusions about this being a matriarchy.

You haven't even been able to define what a matriarchy is yet, let alone prove how the Black community is one. So do it. Prove to me how the Black community is still a matriarchy amongst all the things I've listed. Prove to me how Black women hold power over and oppress Black men because I have shown in the reverse.

what economy do you see black men controlling? what economic opportunity are BW being denied from BM? how can it be a patriarchy when over 70% of the homes are fatherless? it's a matriarchy by default.

Oh we're back to this idiocy? You skipped over the question I asked a while ago. If Black women had Black children and abandoned them...just left them with their fathers, would that be a patriarchy? And could we expect that things would be looking up in the Black community if that happened?

Keep in mind that your ignorance of all things intelligent has truly revealed itself with this comment too. Ask yourself what economy Black women are controlling and what economic opportunity BM are being denied from BW?

show me receipts that BM want y'all to have biracial hair. show me receipts that cacs force yall to wear weave.

So desperate. You keep responding to my requests with requests of your own because you literally can't defend a word of the nonsense you spew. Believe me I don't say anything without evidence, I'm still waiting on you to provide one shred of something, anything to keep this debate going. I'm not going to do all the legwork just for you to sit back and tuck your desperate head in the ground and deny the truth with another flimsy excuse as to why it doesn't count.

wrong, i never said y'all wear weave cus of cads.

Of course you wouldn't. But you'll say Black men do this and that bad behavior because "The Man". Black women aren't alloted the same all encompassing excuse, which is the privilege I pointed out to you pages ago. One of many you keep avoiding and plugging your ears to.

great comparison, just understand that these men were raised solely by y'all shytty parenting.

More like they were abandoned by your cowardice and desperate need to hide behind white men and now Black women. When white women ultimately move on to a new fetish, as they seemingly are headed towards with the frequency at which they divorce you, they will be your new scapegoat. The scapegoat that nobody else in the world gets to have but you and only you. They will be your next ultimate oppressor keeping you from the greatness you don't even strive towards.

you all aren't looking for responsible father figures, you're looking for exactly what you get; sperm donors.

And you all willingly provide, so what are you complaining about? Talk to most of you, the greatest thing a man can accomplish is to have sex with a new woman and have no responsibilities otherwise. This is the society you created, why aren't you happy?

once again, you're dragging coli rhetoric offline. the overwhelming consensus is the evil deadbeat BM is whats wrong with the BC.

Not true, but even if it were, its the way it should be. No person who isn't maladjusted blames the mother who stuck around for the father who bolted so he could screw more women. There have been men on here who admittedly come from single mothers but hate them and wish them all the misery in the world. One recently remarked his anger at his mother and his wish that she'd made better choices...even though he knew her not choosing his father would mean he would never be born :wtf:

That's the type of self loathing you all struggle with daily. I am sure you are no different. You all are maladjusted and your opinions and viewpoints on life give it away.

Don't respond to this post again if you're not going to provide the evidence I've requested and the answers I asked for.
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All Star
Jun 21, 2012
and it looks extremely petty & hypocritical.

He says after spending the better of his 3 year posting career calling black women hair hats and taking years off his life angry at Black women for the same thing :laff:

Of course its petty when WW do it, even though you paint it as the downfall of the community when BW are the subject. Of course its hypocritical when WW do it, even though WW have stolen far more from BW in terms of style and all around living as women than could ever be the reverse.

You boys hate yourselves soooo much.


Nov 25, 2014
And neither are Black men, so the wealth gap over a far better educated group still isn't explained. Except by male privilege which Black men benefit from of course.

The fact that you don't understand how stupid this question is and how what you mentioned is not at all contradictory...reading comprehension is key, marcus.

Because it directly defats your lies that Black women aren't negatively effected by race and sex. No one said WW earn less than BM. WM aren't foolish or desperate enough to go after their women because they can't stand against other men, so of course they will pay her more than you, while you wax poetic about "us mens" doing all the "real labor".

And he shouldn't. He would have no cause. Keep crying about 90s talk shows and Waiting to Exhale though. I know that's coming next, even though they existed at the same time as some of the most venomous, misogynist rap music Black men proudly created.

The thousands of videos and comments on social media from Black men aren't enough? Keep grasping.

I'm an idiot but you're too stupid to even define the thing you swear the Black community is? Show me some evidence. I have listed plenty of things that make it clear its a patriarchy which you've just ignored and denied. Show me something besides the one random video from some random woman you have bookmarked for whenever someone debunks your delusions about this being a matriarchy.

You haven't even been able to define what a matriarchy is yet, let alone prove how the Black community is one. So do it. Prove to me how the Black community is still a matriarchy amongst all the things I've listed. Prove to me how Black women hold power over and oppress Black men because I have shown in the reverse.

Oh we're back to this idiocy? You skipped over the question I asked a while ago. If Black women had Black children and abandoned them...just left them with their fathers, would that be a patriarchy? And could we expect that things would be looking up in the Black community if that happened?

Keep in mind that your ignorance of all things intelligent has truly revealed itself with this comment too. Ask yourself what economy Black women are controlling and what economic opportunity BM are being denied from BW?

So desperate. You keep responding to my requests with requests of your own because you literally can't defend a word of the nonsense you spew. Believe me I don't say anything without evidence, I'm still waiting on you to provide one shred of something, anything to keep this debate going. I'm not going to do all the legwork just for you to sit back and tuck your desperate head in the ground and deny the truth with another flimsy excuse as to why it doesn't count.

Of course you wouldn't. But you'll say Black men do this and that bad behavior because "The Man". Black women aren't alloted the same all encompassing excuse, which is the privilege I pointed out to you pages ago. One of many you keep avoiding and plugging your ears to.

More like they were abandoned by your cowardice and desperate need to hide behind white men and now Black women. When white women ultimately move on to a new fetish, as they seemingly are headed towards with the frequency at which they divorce you, they will be your new scapegoat. The scapegoat that nobody else in the world gets to have but you and only you. They will be your next ultimate oppressor keeping you from the greatness you don't even strive towards.

And you all willingly provide, so what are you complaining about? Talk to most of you, the greatest thing a man can accomplish is to have sex with a new woman and have no responsibilities otherwise. This is the society you created, why aren't you happy?

Not true, but even if it were, its the way it should be. No person who isn't maladjusted blames the mother who stuck around for the father who bolted so he could screw more women. There have been men on here who admittedly come from single mothers but hate them and wish them all the misery in the world. One recently remarked his anger at his mother and his wish that she'd made better choices...even though he knew her not choosing his father would mean he would never be born :wtf:

That's the type of self loathing you all struggle with daily. I am sure you are no different. You all are maladjusted and your opinions and viewpoints on life give it away.

Don't respond to this post again if you're not going to provide the evidence I've requested and the answers I asked for.


May 2, 2012
And neither are Black men, so the wealth gap over a far better educated group still isn't explained. Except by male privilege which Black men benefit from of course.

BM still lead BW in fields that net high paying careers; that's not a male privilege, that's a choice. there are plenty of decent paying jobs that trump y'all nursing degree. this isn't a result of evil patriarchy, it's a result of men earning fair pay for hard work.

The fact that you don't understand how stupid this question is and how what you mentioned is not at all contradictory...reading comprehension is key, marcus.

okay, rewind. because you're going off the rails on purpose. in response to this:

black men earn pennies more than black women, while we both still earn less than asian women and white women. so how is it a patriarchal issue and not a racial issue?

you said this:

because you don't want to be responsible for any oppression that you cause.

so if you aren't talking about the wage gap. please explore the oppression BW are receiving from BM?

Because it directly defats your lies that Black women aren't negatively effected by race and sex. No one said WW earn less than BM. WM aren't foolish or desperate enough to go after their women because they can't stand against other men, so of course they will pay her more than you, while you wax poetic about "us mens" doing all the "real labor"

no it doesn't, if a BW turned male tomorrow, their quality of life would not improve. statistically, you would be more likely to be unemployed, underemployed, incarnated, homeless, drug addicted or dead.

And he shouldn't. He would have no cause. Keep crying about 90s talk shows and Waiting to Exhale though. I know that's coming next, even though they existed at the same time as some of the most venomous, misogynist rap music Black men proudly created.

okay then, dont act ike BW are experiencing this harsh form of patriarchal shame in the community. we all know that doesn't exist. BM are more prone to accept single mothers and promiscuous women than any other group of men. the matriarchal shyt y'all are on is not tolerated in other communities.

The thousands of videos and comments on social media from Black men aren't enough? Keep grasping.

considering there's over 20 million of us, no, it isn't enough. removing tommy sotomayors videos from your list, your "thousands" of videos would shrink to hundreds. also, as you know i'd point out; BW started this beef. y'all brought the culture of shytting on BM to youtube, and nikkas responded. it's unfortunate that it's gone on so long, innocent black girls are getting caught in the crossfire. but innocent black boys have been caught in the crossfire of their mothers rampage a whole lot longer.

I'm an idiot but you're too stupid to even define the thing you swear the Black community is? Show me some evidence. I have listed plenty of things that make it clear its a patriarchy which you've just ignored and denied. Show me something besides the one random
video from some random woman you have bookmarked for whenever someone debunks your delusions about this being a matriarchy.

You haven't even been able to define what a matriarchy is yet, let alone prove how the Black community is one. So do it. Prove to me how the Black community is still a matriarchy amongst all the things I've listed. Prove to me how Black women hold power over and oppress Black men because I have shown in the reverse.

let's start by defining patriarchy:

noun: patriarchy

a family, group, or government controlled by a man or a group of men
: a social system in which family members are related to each other through their fathers

do you honestly see this in black neighborhoods? families, governments, systems that revolve around the black man? black women run the families, our culture exist around the women. as y'all are proud to admit any other time, black women are the rock and foundation of the black community.

i keep reminding you, the BC is not a true matriarchy. it's a bubble that's been afforded to you by white patriarchies table scraps. long as you're in a position to run the home without any dependency to BM, you are enjoying the benefits of your pseudo matriarchy.

Oh we're back to this idiocy? You skipped over the question I asked a while ago. If Black women had Black children and abandoned them...just left them with their fathers, would that be a patriarchy? And could we expect that things would be looking up in the Black community if that happened?

well, you'd have to structure your hypothetical more accurately. if BM biologically gave birth, had all the reproductive rights, along with the courts in our favor. i would have no reason to address black women. these conversations would focus squarely on who BM choose to procreate with, why we did it, and why we did such a fukked up job independently raising our kids.

so if BW disappeared tomorrow, it would no longer be matriarchal by default. unfortunately, BW are content with perpetuating a cycle of female leadership; as showcased by this 1986 documentary.

(which i'll keep posting until you acknowledge the documented culture of women purposely starting broken homes)

Keep in mind that your ignorance of all things intelligent has truly revealed itself with this comment too. Ask yourself what economy Black women are controlling and what economic opportunity BM are being denied from BW?

black women receive bank loans at the same rate as white men. you're more likely to own businesses. you're more likely to be employed. you also receive benefits and subsidies that aren't easily afforded to men. do you actually control the economic landscape of your community? no, but you go to white patriarchy to get these resources.

So desperate. You keep responding to my requests with requests of your own because you literally can't defend a word of the nonsense you spew. Believe me I don't say anything without evidence, I'm still waiting on you to provide one shred of something, anything to keep this debate going. I'm not going to do all the legwork just for you to sit back and tuck your desperate head in the ground and deny the truth with another flimsy excuse as to why it doesn't count.

so your "black men dont like natural hair, they want us to have biracial hair" comment wasn't some bullshyt you pulled out of your ass :skip: what about white folks forcing y'all to go out and buy fake hair to conform, can you provide some stats on that? of course not, because these are just excuses you use to justify BWs self hatred.

Of course you wouldn't. But you'll say Black men do this and that bad behavior because "The Man". Black women aren't alloted the same all encompassing excuse, which is the privilege I pointed out to you pages ago. One of many you keep avoiding and plugging your ears to.

already know BW deal with self hatred when it comes to hair. y'all are the ones lying about your motivations. claiming you do it because BM want it, and the white man at work forces you to.

More like they were abandoned by your cowardice and desperate need to hide behind white men and now Black women. When white women ultimately move on to a new fetish, as they seemingly are headed towards with the frequency at which they divorce you, they will be your new scapegoat. The scapegoat that nobody else in the world gets to have but you and only you. They will be your next ultimate oppressor keeping you from the greatness you don't even strive towards.

wake up. most BM are not marrying white women. this idea that nikkas are fleeing to WW in a mass exodus is not reality.

but okay, understanding you're not even of AA descent. explain why you think black men are more prone to be deadbeats with lesser economic opportunity.

And you all willingly provide, so what are you complaining about? Talk to most of you, the greatest thing a man can accomplish is to have sex with a new woman and have no responsibilities otherwise. This is the society you created, why aren't you happy?

nah, you mean those sons of single mothers willingly provide. i know we're speaking collectively, but you're arguing with 80s and 90 babies, we did not create this free fall. we were born into it.

Not true, but even if it were, its the way it should be. No person who isn't maladjusted blames the mother who stuck around for the father who bolted so he could screw more women. There have been men on here who admittedly come from single mothers but hate them and wish them all the misery in the world. One recently remarked his anger at his mother and his wish that she'd made better choices...even though he knew her not choosing his father would mean he would never be born :wtf:

no, its true and you know its true. no one shames single mothers, so scratch that off your bullshyt list of patriarchal oppression. the problem persist long as women are never addressed for their vital role in starting broking homes.

miss me with the infallible single mother bullshyt as well. wishing your mother made better choices doesn't mean he regrets being born. it's like y'all want to wash away two decades of abuse, just because she got the kid she wanted to have (at the time) but what about all the kids who delt with drug abuse in the home, child molestation, physical abuse, starvation, lack of general love and care--are these men really wrong for wishing their mothers made better choices?


May 2, 2012
He says after spending the better of his 3 year posting career calling black women hair hats and taking years off his life angry at Black women for the same thing :laff:

Of course its petty when WW do it, even though you paint it as the downfall of the community when BW are the subject. Of course its hypocritical when WW do it, even though WW have stolen far more from BW in terms of style and all around living as women than could ever be the reverse.

You boys hate yourselves soooo much.

i'm sitting here going hard on black women for trying to europeanize themselves with silky hair hats and colored contacts. while these hypocrites are going even harder on a white bytch for wearing cornrows. the shyt is unjust :what:
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custom user title
May 9, 2012
If you're going to call X mixed.. then everyone in the world is mixed. His black with recent white admixture.

Amandla Stenberg is bi-racial (with a White father). Malcolm X has nothing to do with this discussion so I don't even know why your bringing him up to me.

Red Shield

Global Domination
Dec 17, 2013
Amandla Stenberg is bi-racial (with a White father). Malcolm X has nothing to do with this discussion so I don't even know why your bringing him up to me.

No shyt she's biracial

Maas Darko is the one who brought him in to this discussion.