Neither are men. No one wants to do those jobs in America, which is why they are often held by Mexicans and other illegal immigrants. Please do not pretend Black men are overwhelmingly populating these jobs
Secondly, even in the high paying fields, women make less, including Black women less than Black men.
Finally, you're attempting a circular argument. I just told you that historically jobs considered female decrease in salary/wages, and then you told me women are not picking high paying fields as if the two aren't correlated because of our patriarchal system
Tech jobs are some of the most lucrative right now. They are male associated. The minute women begin to populate these fields more (its coming) watch the wages drop.
mexicans aren't doing all of the foundational maintenance in society

and miss with with the ifs and buts, women are not interested in tech jobs either. prove to me the wages will drop with more women entering the field. (hint: you cant)
What are you even talking about? No one said it was caused by Black men, but it is definitely a privilege you enjoy just for being born male. Like most all the other privileges and freedoms previously listed.
i swear, you're so contradictory. you JUST said:
because you don't want to be responsible for any oppression that you cause.
so are we responsible for your oppression or not?
also, how is earning pennies more than BW a gender privilege when you'd still earn MUCH less than WW as a BM? you didn't list any privileges or "freedoms" that are exclusive to BM, not ONE.
Which out of control behavior isn't being shamed? The ones where you blame Black women for Black fathers leaving their children, or the ones where you blame Black men for not achieving...on Black women.
oh please, coli rhetoric != real life. i've never, EVER, heard a black man get up on national news and down talk BW. but we can fund dozens of examples of BW going on tv and down talking black men.
please name one instance where a BM has gone on tv and spoke about the ills of single mothers in the BC, JUST ONE example.
You're hearing what you want to hear. Going at patriarchy is going at all men (and women) who support it. Going after racist and white supremacy goes at both white men and white women.
you're an idiot. patriarchy is not some large group encompassing all men. each group has their own patriarchal structure they're fighting to build and maintain. asians have their patriarchy, whites have their patriarchy, indians have their patriarchy, and blacks have our matriarchal bubble surrounded by patriarchy. if you destroy white patriarchy, another groups patriarchy will take it place.
How do you not control the economy when more of the dollars are in your hands? How do you not control the family structure when every other word in you all's post is "fatherless". Oh that's right, children don't have fathers because something the black mother did. Privilege.
what economy do you see black men controlling? what economic opportunity are BW being denied from BM? how can it be a patriarchy when over 70% of the homes are fatherless? it's a matriarchy by default.
OK, so show me the receipts.
show me receipts that BM want y'all to have biracial hair. show me receipts that cacs force yall to wear weave.
You are really grasping at straws now. I'm sure everyone knows your post history to know this is actually something you agree with. Please stop just saying whatever just to try to win a point.
wrong, i never said y'all wear weave cus of cacs. i say yall wear weave cus momma fukked ya hair up at an early age, now you're dependent on it. then you scapegoat BM as if we're the reason yall got perms and extensions at 10 yrs old.
Sure, just the same way Black men choose their criminal lifestyle, promote their criminal lifestyle in the music and videos, and then gets upset and wants to take no accountability when people view them as such and see them suspects. Fair?
great comparison, just understand that these men were raised solely by y'all shytty parenting.
Thats amazing. Have you figured out how black women are managing to procreate by themselves? Lesbian couples would pay top dollar to know how to get it done without male involvement whatsoever.
you all aren't looking for responsible father figures, you're looking for exactly what you get; sperm donors.
Uhh look up the study that shows most people believe Black mothers to be on welfare. Wait nvm, you agree with that. You've even gone so far as to say black women purposefully kick black men out the home, literally reciting racist whites' welfare queen rhetoric, to just get a check and some gubment cheese.
When you can pull support of black offspring at will and the community at large actually blame the one that stuck around, thats a pretty huge barrier if you ask me.
once again, you're dragging coli rhetoric offline. the overwhelming consensus is the evil deadbeat BM is whats wrong with the BC. nobody has ever collectively blamed BW for their choices. when we have the president addressing ray ray and pookie, while calling the BW the rock and foundation of the community; clearly that proves its a popular sentiment