"Black Features Are Beautiful. Black Women Are Not" - Amandla Stenberg


All Star
Jun 21, 2012
every time i ask you how is the black community patriarchal, your only response is "the black church"

Its far beyond that. More wealth, more job opportunities, more freedom, more positive attributes attributed to your gender, things related to your gender are said to hold more value, everything. Sexism is real.

Your position in these debates is a perfect example of how patriarchal we are. Your routinely blame everything that goes wrong in the community on women, but then turn around and say men are the natural leaders and insult women's natural intelligence and ability :heh:

Its like how whites claim superiority but will block blacks from every opportunity to compete with them in jobs, etc.


Feb 26, 2014
Miami Gardens/North Miami
I dunno where people get that the Black community isn't a patriarchy. Black men, you abandoning your offspring and opting out of parenthood to leave women to do it themselves does not a matriarchy make. A matriarchy would exist if both mother and father were in the home, and the mother held a position of power over the father. That family would also need to be within a whole system of society set up to keep it that power dynamic slanted towards the mother. If you all want a true leadership role, take lead over other men. Giving Black women two options, either take the inferior role you fought beside me against or I will abandon you, is not going to work. It just creates chaos in the home and in our community.

Oh yes and the idea that you need a patriarchy in order to uplift your women? You all have to be kidding. Did the Asian patriarchy also make it so that Asian men are seen the way they are? Or did Asian women simply buy into white supremacist brainwashing about their mates? Please do not keep passing the buck for your failures and/or lack of action onto others.
Ain't you got a white husband?:francis:


May 2, 2012
Its far beyond that. More wealth, more job opportunities, more freedom, more positive attributes attributed to your gender, things related to your gender are said to hold more value, everything. Sexism is real.

Your position in these debates is a perfect example of how patriarchal we are. Your routinely blame everything that goes wrong in the community on women, but then turn around and say men are the natural leaders and insult women's natural intelligence and ability :heh:

Its like how whites claim superiority but will block blacks from every opportunity to compete with them in jobs, etc.

"more wealth and job opportunities"

i tell you time and time again, men can earn just as much if not more than yall with a decent trade. who is doing the contract work, the plumbing, heating, electrical? who's paving the streets and highways? these are high paying jobs that BW dismiss because they dont come with a degree, yet they earn decent wages. even with all that, we're more likely to be unemployed and our wealth gap is minimal.

"more freedom"

how so? what freedoms do we enjoy that BW aren't afforded?

"more positive attributes attributed to your gender"

aka the "you BM are seen as cooler than BW :sadcam: "

how is that evidence of a patriarchy?

" things related to your gender are said to hold more value"

what does this shyt even mean? its like you're spitting white feminist rhetoric at me.


May 2, 2012
dont just take my word for it, let this mixbreed tell you why the BW is matriarchal:



Aug 29, 2014
collectively, no. black women do not face overt physical oppression. you can bring your exceptions, but most violence from white supremacy is directed towards men.

further more, black women are not bytching about physical oppression when they complain about racism/white supremacy. black women are upset they aren't seen as valuable, beautiful and desirable as white women; and ya know what, GOOD. because you wont get that type of promotion until black men are in a position to give it to you.

do you get it? without a strong black patriarchy, you will never be put on a pedestal, EVER.

Have a seat man. :what:I can't believe you even fixed your mouth to say this.

Black Women and Physical oppression has so much history behind it. It the reason you with have light skin black people today.

Let us remind you when they would perform experiments on slaves black women were the main group people used.

Cruel Medical Experiments On Slaves Were Widespread In The American South
Invasive surgeries and other shocking experiments were “commonplace” on slaves before the Civil War, according to a sweeping new survey of old medical journals.

report, published in the latest issue of the journal Endeavour, suggests that a widespread network of medical colleges and doctors across the American South carried out and published slave experiments for decades.

“The physicians and colleges saw an opportunity in the institution of slavery to elevate themselves, and they took it,” historian Stephen Kenny of the University of Liverpool in the U.K., who wrote the report, told BuzzFeed News. “It was commonplace.”

Medical journals that no longer exist, such as the Baltimore Medical and Surgical Journal and the Western and Southern Medical Recorder, overflow with reports of surgical experiments to treat injuries, birth defects, and tumors, all pioneered on slaves. Doctors often performed the experiments “apparently without pain relief,” according to the study, in an era before anesthesia or sterile surgery.

The study details four surgical experiments in particular, dating from 1833 to 1858, that doctors performed on slaves. One, for example, involved severing “healthy looking brain” from a slave with a head injury, killing him. Another removed a tumor from an unnamed young girl’s lymph node, which likely made it swell grotesquely around her head.

The physician and slave owner William Aiken of Winnsboro, North Carolina, reported an 1852 experiment on a slave named Lucinda, who suffered from a bony growth around her right eye. Aiken and other doctors disfigured her by boring holes in her head — without chloroform, a gas that was used at the time for anesthesia — to remove the growth.

These cases were reported in respected medical periodicals read from Europe to the Western frontier.

“Medicine is an integral part of the story of slavery,” Todd Savitt, a medical historian at the Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University, told BuzzFeed News.

Savitt first reported in the 1970s that medical schools in Virginia had trafficked in slaves prior to the Civil War. But historians had seen medical experiments on slaves as a practice isolated to a few physicians — until now.

“We are moving here toward a view of experiments on slaves as something more systematic,” Savitt said.


A slave with a tumor attached to her head, likely triggered by a surgical experiment in 1833. Courtesy of Waring Historical Library, MUSC, Charleston, South Carolina

In the summer of 1989, construction workers unearthed 10,000 bones from a basement belonging to the Medical College of Georgia in Augusta.

Many of the bones showed signs of dissection. Forensic investigators quickly discovered they were the legacy of five decades of grave robbing intended to provide medical students before and after the Civil War with cadavers for anatomical lessons. This practice didn’t end until the early 20th century.

That medical college and others like it grew in the shadow of slavery, Kenny said, and the professionalization of medicine in the decades before the Civil War. “Physicians needed to learn anatomy and slaves provided a supply of bodies,” he said.

The price of slaves increased precipitously in 1807, after the halt of the British slave trade. That made medical treatment to heal injured or diseased slaves “an industry,” Kenny said, and helped create a demand for experiments.

Slave hospitals sprang up around trading centers such as Augusta, New Orleans, and Charleston, South Carolina, to doctor sick slaves intended for sale and to heal valuable workers.

The South Carolinian physician J. Marion Sims, often referred to as the “Father of Gynecology,” developed a surgery for complications of childbirth on slave women in the 1840s. (Long seen as a villain, more recent historical research has suggestedthat some women willingly participated in Sims’ surgeries, making him a more ambiguous figure.) Many surgical techniques — including amputations and experiments using ether as anesthesia — were tested on slaves before they made their way into standard medicine.

“In the days before clinical trials, doctors did not universally agree what constituted appropriate standards of care,” Marie Jenkins Schwartz, a historian at the University of Rhode Island, told BuzzFeed News by email. “One thing I know from studying doctors (other than the very successful Sims) is this: reckless experimentation does not make for good medicine,” said Schwartz, author of Birthing a Slave: Motherhood and Medicine in the Antebellum South.

The old studies did not mention whether the slaves consented to the experiments, and physical restraints were common. Some reports describe slaves bolting from the room when subjected to electrical shocks or scalpels without pain relief.

A woman named Harriet who was suffering from seizures was electrically shocked in an 1848 experiment for 53 minutes, for example, even though it required three doctors to restrain her. Doctors interpreted her protests about her back being burned as “as a sign of electrotherapy’s efficacy,” according to the study, and recommended it for everyone suffering “nervous disorders.”

“Under the skin, they knew on some level that people were the same. So they used [slaves] in medicine,” Savitt said. “They knew that, but still saw slaves as different from other people. I struggle with the question every time I’m asked to explain it.”

Although historians are only beginning to explore widespread experimentation on slaves and grave robbing, Kenny added, the findings won’t surprise black communities near the sites of medical hospitals. Folklore of “Night Doctors” who robbed graves, or “Black Bottle Men” who poisoned patients to dissect them, is more than a century old, he said, and likely springs from the era of these cruel experiments.


May 2, 2012
Have a seat man. :what:I can't believe you even fixed your mouth to say this.

Black Women and Physical oppression has so much history behind it. It the reason you with have light skin black people today.

Let us remind you when they would perform experiments on slaves black women were the main group people used.
we aint talking about slavery :camby:


All Star
Jun 21, 2012
"more wealth and job opportunities"

i tell you time and time again, men can earn just as much if not more than yall with a decent trade. who is doing the contract work, the plumbing, heating, electrical? who's paving the streets and highways? these are high paying jobs that BW dismiss because they dont come with a degree, yet they earn decent wages. even with all that, we're more likely to be unemployed and our wealth gap is minimal.

"more freedom"

how so? what freedoms do we enjoy that BW aren't afforded?

"more positive attributes attributed to your gender"

aka the "you BM are seen as cooler than BW :sadcam: "

how is that evidence of a patriarchy?

" things related to your gender are said to hold more value"

what does this shyt even mean? its like you're spitting white feminist rhetoric at me.

You say the thing about trade as if this helps your point. Women will not be hired for those jobs because of preconceived notions about women's abilities. Also, even in positions that both men and women are equally represented, women will be paid less. And whole professions that are thought of as more feminine get paid less. Back in the day, teaching used to be a male profession. Today, teacher's earn very poor wages, because it became associated with women. Same thing with executive assistants and nurses. And let's not get into management roles, because women won't be considered like men will. That's across racial lines. And our wealth gap isn't all that minimal when you consider that people with degrees out earn people without degrees and Black women as a whole have far more degrees than Black men.

Black women are not allowed to exercise their sexuality as they want without taking criticism for it. Black women are not allowed to doll themselves up as other women do without being called fake and unnatural. Black women can't call out racism we face from other women because we will be called jealous. Black women cannot point out sexism we face because it will be deemed unimportant or divisive. Black women also aren't allowed to wear their hair natural without criticism and pressure from non-Blacks, and pressure from Black men that it must be this curly and this long to be acceptable. Black women do not get to use racism as a crutch for anything in our lives, we just have to grin and bear everything. Black women do not have the freedom to contribute the bare minimum to their children's development, and still be considered good parents.

Who said anything about cool? Men are associated with being more logical, more capable of reasoning, less petty, emotionally stronger... You also have male associated things valued more in society, such as sports, while female associated things are devalued, such as reality tv and fashion. You probably don't even see anything wrong with any of that because you actually believe it to be true and fine. That is because you live in a patriarchal society and always have.

This is the part where you pretend to not understand anything I've said and fail to combat any points, only to quote me again a month from now and pretend I've only ever talked about the church.

dont just take my word for it, let this mixbreed tell you why the BW is matriarchal:

And you quote this one video every time :dead:

Just because some women are uninformed about what a matriarchy is, does not give your case greater credence.


May 2, 2012
@bcrusaderw please direct this man to the black women and violence thread in the salon.

there is no comparison, just oppression olympics. there's been about 4 black males killed within the few days by law enforcement, BW don't have to worry about those problems.