Nothing to do in the DMV??
Y'all don't understand that DC basically sits in PG County. Also there is the National Harbor with tons of restaurants. The MGM is also in PG County. There are tons of malls/shopping centers in PG county. Don't deny our greatness. And PG County is 65% black with 1 million people
Where I'm at, we have a problem retaining people because the private sector stay poaching the hell outta everybody. Even at the "low level" folks get snatched up. All this despite offering up extra money and full time telework benefits.
That and PG is the only county in the nation where black folks out earn whites in salary.
You know ... y’all are coming with FACTS to support the likelihood of upward mobility in the DC area for black folk...
20 years ago , DC was THE place for black folks to move ... it had a buzz that Atlanta has today ...then that buzz just EVAPORATED . The shift seemed swift and suddenly toward Atlanta , and it has never returned to DC.
I know black folks who have moved all over the country ... and during the past 10 years I only know one black person who just on a whim moved to DC and that person enjoyed it... conversely I know 7-8 people who moved to Atlanta (on a whim) during that same period .
Meanwhile , it seems DC has been steady in doing its thing with FACTS AND STATS to back it ... but Atlanta still gets propped up in the promo and branding in — and out of the black community — despite what appears to be false advertising about the frequency and rate of upward mobility for black folks in Atlanta ...

Has a bamboozlement taken place here?