Black Diasporic Essentials For "Liberation"


May 17, 2013
*reads title*

*enters thread and sees africa*

We could have 3 first world societies but that doesn't mean you'll be apart of it.

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God

Okay I just finished reading everything, and I have to say that if you have the time then you should really consider publishing a book. And I mean it. This type of idea should be more mainstream than the "black group economics" school of thinking from Claude Anderson, which in my opinion is a very noble ideas from him, but also it has major flaws that does not dismantle white supremacy in the slightest bit. And blacks technically already practice. It has flaws, because once again like I said before the Chinese in Chinatown who people from Claude Anderson's school of thinking use as the the object example of "group economics" is getting gentrified. Especially in New York City, a place I live right next to.

More white people moving into Chinatown as section sees real estate prices rise: study

Chinatown increasingly white, wealthy: study

The slow decline of American Chinatowns

The slow decline of American Chinatowns - BBC News

But yeah you're school of thinking NEEDS to be more mainstream than the ones from Claude Anderson and Jason Black.

Anyways, everything you wrote was not only well written, but also thoroughly researched. :ehh:

From what I got from read is that you believe globalism will play a big part in our liberation due to us not needing to depend on America, but instead reaching for help beyond America for help/business. And I agree 100% and slowly began hopping on this train. I know Pan-Africanism is a pipe dream in some spiritual unity sense, but in terms of business I believe it can work. But I also believe that its going to take some time and may be very hard. First we're going to have to convince wealthy African-Americans to get aboard, those people being actual businessmen like bankers for example. And then we will have to convince hard nosed rich Africans to do business with us and not just rely on non-blacks. That to me will be the hard part and will have to show these Africans who MAY have a negative stereotype about us that we are really about the business. But if this does work out I can see great things.

I think I also remember you stating that blacks of the diaspora, especially African-Americans can use African banks like how White-Americans use swiss banks in Europe. If those African banks are really good then we can secretly hide our assets from the IRS.:wink:

To me, us using African banks would be the next evolution of black banks in America and should be. And speaking of black banks in America, I can we MAY again MAY be on the verge of solving the loan and credit problem if black banks in America gain more steam. Black banks may not give us loans with strings attached.

Anyways this is all I have to say for now. Really good read. Waiting for the currency part though.
It's gonna be real hard. Alot of wealthy Black bankers in the Boule and a lot of African wealth is in their secret societies. The issue we don't talk about enough is those Black elites coming together for US Black people and not just for their group

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
In a global economy, you have no choice. And ain't no "we" since you're a peasant and not a decision-maker in your own land.
You really fukked around and created a five star thread on this topic. I been waiting for years, I knew it was in you. I see that NYU econ degree coming in handy