Black cop Eric Adams is the most anti-black mayor in New York City history


The black man is always targeted.
Apr 8, 2017

Setting New York back a good 100 years SMH

Dude brought back Stop and Frisk on steroids and defunded all of the money out of black communities

This dude works for the NYPD. They'll soon have a 50+ billion dollar budget while schools, healthcare, and affordable housing die at the cost of funding that organization.


The black man is always targeted.
Apr 8, 2017
I guess you weren't alive during Guiliani time.
Watch the video, she breaks down by statistics how Eric Adams is WAY WORSE than Giuliani ever could hope to be

And his tenure ain't even over yet. New York is finished.


Jul 25, 2018
Dude is the worst. With all the options we had I can't believe this bootlicking footshuffling clown is what new Yorkers went for. Always falling for this Okey doke about "zomg crime" every single time.

I don't give a fukk what no one says about DeBlasio, at least that motherfukker stood up for civil rights, activists and protesters while condeming bad cops and taking the NYPD to task when he was expected to do the good ole NYC mayor act and kiss police ass no mattef what. The passed off police union cacs that influence the ny papers pushed all the negative "DeBlasio sucks" campaign and made it into almost a pop culture trend.

DeBlasio wasn't the greatest, but NYers gave into a bunch NY Post headlines and retaliated against a pro-civil righrs liberal mayor, so now we have this useless idiot pretty much auditioning for his Fox News contributor job at this point. Whining about "mIgRaNts" like a helpless puppy, as if every NYC mayor before him hasnt dealt with mass immigration and ten times more. Ten bucks, he "leaves the Democrat Party" by the time his term is up.


Nov 1, 2015

she admitted she should have supported Wiley instead of garcia. I supported wiley cause she was the obvious choice to run this city,

but yeah a lot of black people were warning folks about eric adams,. crazy they couldn't see what was obvious to most people.

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Nov 1, 2015

A.I transcription. YouTube Transcript - read YouTube videos

Here's the corrected and formatted version of your transcript:

"I showed you earlier. Well, combine that with piling up the black candidates and rappers he tried out or the rousing endorsement he was getting from people like Hakeem Jeffries, Eric Adams. There, yeah, a long time. Oh yeah, you know him? Oh okay. So you have anything positive to say? Well, I guess that yeah, that you're a good person to talk to him. Well, one of the best small group political speeches I ever heard was from him when Hakeem Jeffries, who I used to be pretty close to, first decided to run for Congress. A group of us met for a little fundraiser and Adams gave the kind of opening introduction for Jeffries about why we should get excited about him and it was amazing. So much better than any speech that Jeffries has ever given. So he's got charisma. You know he knows how to talk to people. He was just more active about pandering to old black voters in a particular kind of way and I do mean emphasis on older black voters.

When folks in Harlem say quit sending the police to solve our problems, when folks in East New York say quit sending the police to solve our problems, that's maybe when we'll see some change. And I think that's the one reason we are seeing some funding for the community violence reduction stuff because that is what people in those neighborhoods increasingly are saying. Yes, there's still the little old church ladies who come to the meetings and say bring back stop and frisk and why can't we put more of our own children in prison but increasingly there are lots of voices in these communities who say you know we need community-led solutions to these problems.

Look, I think there's a generational divide here. You know my students were not taken in by Eric Adams. My uh, you know I teach at Brooklyn College my students especially for the courses that I teach are predominantly African-American afro-Caribbean uh and they're none of them are fans of Eric Adams but their parents voted for it.

Now that we've covered how Eric Adams became mayor and why people voted for him let's unpack who Eric Adams is at his core: a black cop because trust that Eric Adams is a cop through and through my boy the epitome of the black cop as well as a registered Republican for a significant amount of his life it is our city Against The Killers.

When you ask most people why they hate Eric Adams they're probably going to tell you because he's a cop but they're not just saying to you that they don't like cops therefore they hate Eric Adams what they're trying to communicate to you is that Eric Adams is a black cop in the depths of his soul and I am making an emphasis on black cop because there is something special negative what's special about the block cop and that's something that Eric Adams himself recognizes.

The funny thing about my beef with Eric Adams is that deep down that [ __ ] agrees with me he knows that we live in a police state because that's precisely why he became a cop it's why he continues to Adorn NYPD jackets at most press conferences despite being there and having retired years earlier it's why he prioritizes the needs of NYPD above all else because he knows that there is nobody more powerful than the police in a police state air Adams cares solely about power or and he will conceal who he truly is when in certain black company but he's always told us who he was.

That's why before he even took office Eric Adams let it be known that he did not care about the opinions of the council members or anyone who was not a cop this happened after Eric Adams stated his intention to continue the use of solitary confinement despite the tragic deaths of Khalif Browder Langley and Polanco and Brandon Rodriguez and the majority of the New York City Council Members wrote a letter asking him to reverse his decision.
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Nov 1, 2015




Much worse than any of us could have imagined, that's how it felt when Eric Adams came into office. I try to go back to that day, it was like the day after he was elected. The very first thing that this man, Eric Adams, the freedom fighter that he was, the Civil Rights leader he was claiming to be during the campaign, his first act as mayor, do you remember what it was? He expanded solitary confinement on Rikers Island. After he expanded solitary confinement on Rikers in his new city council, the majority of them actually voted to reprimand him for doing that. He came out and publicly said, "I'm not going to listen to you city council because you have never been a police officer," stating really clearly that the only opinions that actually matter when it comes to whether to lock someone up or not, the conditions of confinement, the torture of solitary confinement, the only opinions that matter are those who made a living arresting people, controlling people, taking away people's freedom. But that's the precedent he set right out the gate. He's not a black mayor, he is not the hip-hop mayor, he's NYPD's mayor.

Eric Adams was a Transit cop and NYPD Captain for 22 years. But have you ever wondered how he became a police officer? When Eric Adams was just 14 years old, he was in a gang. Believe it or not, he and his brother stole a TV set and a money order and were later arrested when Adams tried to cash that money order. Adam said that at the station two white cops took the boys downstairs and began to beat them down, kicking them in their groin in testicle areas so that the injuries wouldn't show up. But then a black cop eventually looked into the room and told the officers "that's enough." They beat Eric Adams so bad that he said that he had blood in his urine for seven days and they sent him to juvie.

Adam said that it made his brother develop a deep hatred for the cops but not him. He was drawn to the power these white men had. They beat the brakes off them two teenage boys and Eric Adams said that he thought to himself "the cops had a great hustle." But in particular, he said he was enamored by the black cop. The power that the black cop had to be able to tell the white cops to stop was the closest thing Eric Adams said that he'd seen to a black man being the equal of white folks and he liked that.

He said that he decided right then that the black cop was more powerful than the black petty criminals he had admired. That they had more clout, more juice as the kids would say and he wanted to become a black policeman so he could get in on the quote "free drinks," "the swagger," "the respect," "the fear." And that is a practice that we know Mayor Adams has taken full advantage of.

That is why Eric Adams became a black cop. In his eyes, it was the closest he could get to being the equal of a white man. It was the most powerful he could become. It was how he could instill fear. He decided he would not be a criminal when he realized that as a black cop in his neighborhood, he could instill more fear, get more respect and more perks.

This realization by Adams was his recognition that we live in a police state and he decided to buy in. It did not matter to him that the way these officers were commanding respect and power was through abusing black men and boys just like himself. If he could be the black cop in the room his takeaway was about power not just this not Blackness but Power.

Eric Adams does not care about police brutality nor does he see being a police officer as a means of protecting black boys and men who are brutalized by the police.

In March 2022 NYPD officers claimed an 18-year-old boy Luis Manuel Monsanto failed to stop for a traffic stop in The Bronx so the officers chased the boy and opened fire on his vehicle shooting him in the head leaving him in critical condition officers are actually...


Apr 24, 2017
For the month of June 2023, New York City saw a 16.8% drop in shooting incidents compared to June 2022 (104 v. 125). The decrease in shootings extends the 24.7% decrease in shooting incidents citywide through the first half of calendar 2023 compared to the same period a year ago (482 v. 636) – meaning 196 fewer people have been shot this year compared to last year. Additionally, homicides fell by 3.1% (31 v. 32) for the month of June 2023.
