I don't get what you're saying? Are you giving them a pass for not liking afro hair? Also how can it be European standard of beauty if they praise mixed hair?the reason they feel mixed girl hair is the same reason Black women get weaves. European beauty standard. Yall claim it is a style but at the same time say Black men hate afro textured hair. Well your "style choice" has programmed alot of Black men not to appreciate 4c or whatever it is.
I never said she did need compliments, all I asked was is that her fault that she wouldn't receive compliments naturally. Stop dancing around the question.I'm pretty sure she doesn't need compliments to survive. She figuratively sold her soul for meaningless attention. That's shallow, insecurity, and pettiness. Compliments from a bunch of dudes who just want to get in ur pants doesn't mean anything. I guess it does to l black women who hate themselves so much they need love, compliments and reassurance from someone to give themselves self worth. Those people don't care about or love you, because if they did they would be encouraging to love every inch of yourself from your pinky toe to the top of ur head.