The Seal of the United States has the eagle, which is nothing more than a glorified scavenger, holding 13 arrows in one claw, and an olive branch in the other. The 13 arrows represent the 13 original colonies where and when Blacks were treated like sh-t. It is supposed to mean that America is always ready for war, but truly desires peace. Black people never have and never will be at peace with white people, in America, or any where else for that matter. This doesn't even scratch the surface of the wicked hypocrisy of America, and in 2015 I should not have to explain myself in regards to how foul this country is towards Blacks.
Breh. Now you mad at the eagle? The Mexican flag got an eagle too. What conclusion you gonna draw with that?
I'm not saying that the condition on blacks in America is perfect. But blacks from all over the world immigrate here every year because the conditions are good. We gotta fight for perfection. But it's for damn sure better than what it was under the Confederate flag.