Blame the other races for not support black business. We can buy from them but they won't buy from us.
gotta purchase from kinfolk...
and sell products across markets...
and rebrand the quality of products, and show how monies out from kinfolk communities, negatively affects kinfolk in the future.
its the same type of branding overtly or subconsciously which affect kinfolk and their wares
but then if there are 40 million/units approx already spending 1.2 trillion...theres gotta be products kinfolk can market amongst themselves...
there is going to be a caste system for appearances both everyone eats...
the business type/sales type
the baller type
the rapper type
the actor types
the "hood" type
the surburb type
the hood to surburb type
the sellout
the blaq immigrant
the blaq immigrant but not blaq immigrant
the day to day blue collar worker
the upper middle class type
the thug
the hoodrat
some time served
no time served