Black America should stop forgiving white racists


Dec 2, 2015
Am I being trolled? Did you not read my post? How can you make a point if you don't even know who the Roma people are? They've been called many names over the centuries. They've been called Gypsies, Roma, Romani etc. Who said anything about nation building or infrastructure? You're moving the goal posts now. That has nothing to do with your premise of forgiving oppressors committing state sanctioned violence against marginalized groups. You're point only reinforces mine. If Israel forgave the Nazis and the Germans like you wanted them to, then they wouldn't be hunting nazi's and they wouldn't be taking reperations from the German gov't. Everything they've done has flown in the face of your let go and live attitude.

Nothing you say is gonna convince me that NOT pursuing justice and holding people accountable for their crimes is the right thing to do.

You aren't being trolled you just have a problem understanding simple words being written because you need to fel validated and you need to feel like you are right and what you are saying is clear truth.

Nothing I posted had anything to do with confusing or not knowing who the roma are. Nothing at all. You literally just invented a charge out of then air to argue against. In short a strawman.

You compared Israeli actions to black americans, I simply told you Israel is a nation and can do things that other people like black americans, kurds, and roma can't in terms of trying to find offending parties. Nothing more and nothing less.

I haven't moved any goal posts because I never demanded you or anyone meet a certain criteria. I simply stated, like I did in my first post in this thread, that you can forgive those who ask forgiveness.

Israel's want for revenge and actions have left it a pariah nation, its only in a good place because the US finds it useful to keep it protected from europe and its neighbors. A day is coming when they will be struck by those in the world who are tired of them and they will be right back in the same position they ahve always been looking for a homeland and ostracized because of their actions. I don't see that as something black americans should emulate.

Forgiveness isn't mutaully exclusive with not pursuing justice by the way, that is a false choice you are trying to present and again a argument never made by me.


A genius is the one most like himself
Aug 5, 2013
You aren't being trolled you just have a problem understanding simple words being written because you need to fel validated and you need to feel like you are right and what you are saying is clear truth.

Nothing I posted had anything to do with confusing or not knowing who the roma are. Nothing at all. You literally just invented a charge out of then air to argue against. In short a strawman.

You compared Israeli actions to black americans, I simply told you Israel is a nation and can do things that other people like black americans, kurds, and roma can't in terms of trying to find offending parties. Nothing more and nothing less.

I haven't moved any goal posts because I never demanded you or anyone meet a certain criteria. I simply stated, like I did in my first post in this thread, that you can forgive those who ask forgiveness.

Israel's want for revenge and actions have left it a pariah nation, its only in a good place because the US finds it useful to keep it protected from europe and its neighbors. A day is coming when they will be struck by those in the world who are tired of them and they will be right back in the same position they ahve always been looking for a homeland and ostracized because of their actions. I don't see that as something black americans should emulate.

Forgiveness isn't mutaully exclusive with not pursuing justice by the way, that is a false choice you are trying to present and again a argument never made by me.

You talk about strawmen, then you proceed to build em all throughout this post. It's quite obvious that you're the one who lacks depth and proper perspective to discuss this. You made this point very clear throughout your posts

The only thing we can do is forgive if forgiveness is asked or and move on

I have reiterated the point time and time again that forgiveness is not the answer to black people's oppression and suffering at the hands of whites. I even gave clear examples of blacks doing what you wanted and having it backfire on them. I even showed you examples from other groups reinforcing my point that no marginalized group simply forgives and moves on. That very discussion has nothing to do with nation building or infrastructure. It's simply you moving the goal posts when your point has been proven false.

In the context of American history black forgiveness has more than not coincided with whites NOT being held accountable for their crimes under the law. This is a point that you obviously flew over your head. Everything you've stated so far has been in direct response to the faulty points you've made. And no matter what you say, forgiveness in the context of Black people enduring state sanctioned violence without seeing justice will never be the answer.


Dec 2, 2015
You talk about strawmen, then you proceed to build em all throughout this post. It's quite obvious that you're the one who lacks depth and proper perspective to discuss this. You made this point very clear throughout your posts

I have reiterated the point time and time again that forgiveness is not the answer to black people's oppression and suffering at the hands of whites. I even gave clear examples of blacks doing what you wanted and having it backfire on them. I even showed you examples from other groups reinforcing my point that no marginalized group simply forgives and moves on. That very discussion has nothing to do with nation building or infrastructure. It's simply you moving the goal posts when your point has been proven false.

In the context of American history black forgiveness has more than not coincided with whites NOT being held accountable for their crimes under the law. This is a point that you obviously flew over your head. Everything you've stated so far has been in direct response to the faulty points you've made. And no matter what you say, forgiveness in the context of Black people enduring state sanctioned violence without seeing justice will never be the answer.

Its hard for me to build a strawman, when i never claim you said anything that you actually didn't and I never proceede to "destroy" those strawmen, yet simply say I disagree with your stance and tell you my opinion.

I see now with your problem of reading comp and a poor focus, that this is going nowhere. You simply don't have the capacity to actually engage in a discussion, you want to preach and your word be taken as gospel.

Who said forgiveness is an answer to oppression, again a false argument you present.
You haven't given a clear example of anything, one you speak as if black america is a hive mind single body, instead of a term to represent millions of individuals with different ideas, goals, and values. two you act as if forgiveness means no longer seeking justice or a redress of grievances, this is false.

Roma, Kurds, and Black Americas have done the same thing in the societies they are in, they ask for redress and move on because we don't have the numbers to demand and force anything. This seems the fact that you don't want to grasp. You want to act as if forgiveness, something that isn't mutually exclusive to redress, is what stops the redress of black grievances, it isn't.


A genius is the one most like himself
Aug 5, 2013
Its hard for me to build a strawman, when i never claim you said anything that you actually didn't and I never proceede to "destroy" those strawmen, yet simply say I disagree with your stance and tell you my opinion.

I see now with your problem of reading comp and a poor focus, that this is going nowhere. You simply don't have the capacity to actually engage in a discussion, you want to preach and your word be taken as gospel.

Who said forgiveness is an answer to oppression, again a false argument you present.
You haven't given a clear example of anything, one you speak as if black america is a hive mind single body, instead of a term to represent millions of individuals with different ideas, goals, and values. two you act as if forgiveness means no longer seeking justice or a redress of grievances, this is false.

Roma, Kurds, and Black Americas have done the same thing in the societies they are in, they ask for redress and move on because we don't have the numbers to demand and force anything. This seems the fact that you don't want to grasp. You want to act as if forgiveness, something that isn't mutually exclusive to redress, is what stops the redress of black grievances, it isn't.

You wrote alot but said nothing. Have a great weekend breh.