.i attract old cacs and older black men (>35+). why is this?

legitamately curious. I'm 20 by the way.
its like pulling teeth to get a male at my hbcu to even notice me or even date me

the hours i spend the lab dont help either.
whats even crazier is that older guys approach me ( esp when im alone). they just walk up to me and start talking and im like

. i dont want to be rude and walk away. they usually try to ask me out but i refuse because how tf do i look getting a number from a random man I dont know?
old cacs are the worst bc they literally slither up behind you. i had a cac kidney doctor try to buy me breakfast and dinner while i was in colorado

out of fukking nowhere.
How do in change this? i dont understand
tl;dr young guys dont give a shyt about me but old guys do. how do i reverse this?