Like A Dungeon Dragon
Does this Pirate Pay attack have anything to do with the DDOS attack Pirate Bay and Wikileaks had? Man, if Microsoft is putting money on their heads I'm done with torrents. The last thing I need is a crippled PC. SMH, this shyt is getting serious, I guess the Feds and Microsoft are joining forces.
Nah. The Pirate Bay criticized Anonymous for a DDoS they carried out, and a 'rouge' Anon in turn DDoS'ed Pirate Bay for that. The WikiLeaks attack i'm not sure of (hadn't heard about it).
Also your PC wouldn't be crippled by downloading a torrent that was listed as a target. All that would happen is you wouldn't be able to download it. That's it.
What these new companies are doing, are "poisoning" the torrent; which is to say they're flooding the communication you're getting with fake information so the download stalls.