‘Mono-racial Black Women Gaming Tournament’ to avoid any ambiguity (no pun intended).They should of called the tournament "Dark Skinned Black Women Gaming Tournament" be specific..![]()
I saw a video speaking about this very thing yesterdayYup. Whole race been divided and conquered. All this ADSOS, FBA BS. When it's time to come together they saying phenotype > genotype.
If Becky was ugly I bet they'd let her in.
This a CAC that is trolling
I believe her when she said she experienced more racism from white folks. They ain't that damn color blind to ignore her black side.
Kamala, J Cole, but somehow not Drake. But Ebro gets a pass.
These rules are fukking wild![]()
A real man of science!Only one way to find out. I have a device that calculates the racial percentage of women. It will require a private session. At a hotel, preferably.
Nope they gotta rock with her!
If you good with Halle Berry, Alicia Keys, Mariah Carey, BIG LATTO....they gotta be good with this one too!
So Phenotypes>>> than actual DNA? Just asking....![]()
Ignoring black people when they try to control THEIR spaces is a function of white privilege. Part of the reason why it's called white privilege is because it also applies to people who appear white. They can tap into the benefits of whiteness.
The way she reacted shows that they were 100% correct to keep her out. It's like racial dolezal continuing to insist she's black despite being exposed as a fraud.
"I can do and be anything I want. I can even be in your community whether you like it or not n...er" type energy.
If she came to them on some "I understand i may appear white and that may be disruptive, but i hope you reconsider if there's space. Love the mission of helping black women enjoy their hobbies in peace and want to be part of that" they may have come at them with different energy but her approach and response shows EXACTLY why her type isn't welcome in black spaces.
That means being black is performative. Is THIS the argument you really want to make?It’s an energy thing Breh.
Theres past actions a person participates in which support your blackness.
Look at the girl’s IG, that’s a white woman who double dips and uses blackness when convenient. I see no black friends, I don’t see any identification of being black.
Ebro may not be the best music director at hot97, but his actions have shown his support and strive for blackness. Same as Cole, who has the knowledge of self. Despite not liking his black ifather.
Drake & logic are one and the same. Both using their fathers to gain black credibility.
The same racism Logic faced. Being around CACs and them saying racist shyt about her family, her people