It's always going to be difficult for Black folks to practice in-race colorism.Too many black people who look biracial, aren't even biracial.I see this issue within my own family.My mom & aunt have the same parents.Grandpa was Bernie Mac tone.Grams was peanut butter brown.My mom took after her father, and came out dark skinned.My aunt, on the other hand, came out looking like Vanity from The Last Dragon.You'd swear she was biracial.I get it, tho.Black folks can spit out every color under the rainbow.Maybe our color spectrum needs to be broken up into groups for better representation? From chocolate black to redbone black.Everything in between.
On the flip side of that ,some biracial people look more black than someone with two black parents.Add to the fact, a lot of biracial people only identify with one side of their family.For instance, you can be biracial, but only raised around your black side.Making you more inclined to identify as black.You won't be so much in limbo like the person raised around both sides.You'd have less of a tug of war going on within your psyche...But that would take getting to know people on a individual basis before you categorize them.Too much damn work.