Art Barr
I don’t know, I got mixed feelings about stuff like this.
Superficially, I’ve seen more mixed people of other races look way more White than her being accepted as that race in those communities. Russell Crowe has nearly no resistance being embraced as a Pacific Islander because he’s part Māori for example. Not to mention all the numerous ethnically Hispanic/White people who don’t look a thing Mexican get labeled Latin like Canelo.
I think people get way too involved in stuff like this and let it turn into something bigger and more toxic than it should. Could have just let her into the competition hand her a L then keep it moving. Now it’s a big ol clown show where everyone involved around it taking L’s and looking dumb af.
That is all by a udc purposeful divisive design type tho.
That they think no one in print ca. Disprove them of.
Yet I can.
All the way down to the black actress being misappropriated for rhe standard of white beauty in Hollywood.
While they cling.
to the idea of everyone's udc education is showing.
to perpetrate more udc kuklos style divisiveness.
Art Barr