I can’t believe the retarted takes I’m seeing in here especially from nikkas who go crazy for Kamala Harris. you nikkas are idiots and don’t know your own black American history because if we want to get into DNA none of you black American or Caribbean nikkas are 100% African that’s why I hate the term mono racial because that’s not true for us. And y’all keep talking about white passing like white passing folks weren’t discriminated against, like they weren’t enslaved and like they weren’t lynched as well I got the family history as proof. So when y’all are doing all these semantics I just don’t understand if you’re a Black American how you just dismiss biracials and I hate when y’all play the who’s black or not semantics because either all biracials are black or they’re all not and then they need become their own buffer class. nikkas will go to bat for Obama and then dismiss Drake who is actually Black American by descent. Crazy. And if being black means being 100% African than none of us are black.
Ypu trying to pick and choose points of the narrative. Without any current consideration.
of what has factually occurred.
Without any attention to culture.
As race is a man made concept. Being white was created in 1681. Sohh common nonlocal white people could be put ahead of every other commoner indentured servent group in north America. To then pervert Indentured servitude into having privilege above blacks. That were indentured and then made slavea after that. Yet we can not just flash forward to 2025.
As there have been a number of situations recently. That have disrupted the black lexicon culturally. One of those being Rachel dolezal running rhe naacp. administratively since she was there. Notice there is no black leadership whatsoever.
Giving this woman power conviently. That culturally aligns with being white. Is the same type irresponsibility to the black lexicon. as allowing dolezal in our administrative lexicon.
First off gaming is super racist.
So her publically never making any gateway media.
to draw a line in the sand culturally. Is an indicator.
that she does not culturally identify publically on her own as black. Only when convenient. And/or worth a monetary pay in press, resources, pay etc.
Those resources could go.
to an actual woman who is black racially and culturally.
The sign up said :
Black gamers
Not african American gamers.
This gamer is not black.
She identifies with the American misappropriation of rhe word black. For the term African american.
Art Barr