‘Biracial’ Woman Is Mad She Can’t Enter A Black Woman Gaming Tournament. Update: Her Indo-Caribbean Grandparents Exposed


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Never said that. In fact I'll make it more clear for you. When we define our own spaces, these Jews and crackers come sticking their snozzes and snouts into our fukking business.

Yeah, you fukked that all up.
Black people did not create Call of Duty. Now you’re in here talking about Jews :dead:

You’ve lost it :scust:


Oct 14, 2015
Rise up!
Breh, you already know! At least half of them probably got a white boy at home so it's definitely just hypocrisy. Let that pale nubian queen play! 😂
Most of them don’t so that’s why they whine all day about BM and Beckys no pun intended. Most white boys ain’t checking for them like that.


May 14, 2012
Moreover, this pathetic little attempt at legitimizing some faux community of gamers then trying to tag “blackness” on to it is just gaslighting of the highest order

You see the community as faux and the attempt as pathetic because it doesn't align with you, and that's fine I get it. It's not for everyone.

I don't care if it's 3 black people calling it the world's greatest gamers, if it's black only and the 4th member attempts to register and ain't black, you gotta hold the line. Seems trivial and maybe it is. But there will never be a black aipac, or powerful black banking system, or any major source of control or influence if you don't start anywhere, whether small or large.

And I get it, people aren't going to like it. Why do we need blacks only book clubs and chess clubs, what's the point of black only math programs and real estate development....I'm not saying we can never have allies and we have to do it ourselves but we have to pull the load. 80 us 20 them. While the numbers are small, and the attempts are pathetic and the communities are faux and niche, that's when it's most important to hold strong, forge ahead and remain vigilant.


American Freedman
Nov 29, 2019
do you think shes built like him though?
do you think this example reflects what this woman is doing lol

We don't know her personal life. I went through her insta and it's mostly her gaming. I don't care too much outside that.

Black =/= 100% African. Biracial =/= half Black either as a white man with an Asian woman can have a "biracial" kid. That kid =/= to a kid with a white mom and Black dad.

Mixed-Black = non-white = Black. That is how it was always defined in America.

It is what it is. If folk want that to end, then defeat white supremacy and do away with their concept of race. Otherwise people are just talking just to talk and all these sub-classifications are doing is creating more buffer classes that further cements white hegemony and cements Blacks at the bottom.



The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
I never said we created it nor implied we did.

Jesus Christ we can't even get together and play a video game together?
If you can’t do it without figuring out how to sound like an out of touch activist loser with grad-student lingo with simple invitations, then no. You can’t.

Openly bragging about having “black women’s spaces” isn’t how you curate black women’s spaces. You do that silently, like everyone else who is serious does this.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
You see the community as faux and the attempt as pathetic because it doesn't align with you, and that's fine I get it. It's not for everyone.

I don't care if it's 3 black people calling it the world's greatest gamers, if it's black only and the 4th member attempts to register and ain't black, you gotta hold the line. Seems trivial and maybe it is. But there will never be a black aipac, or powerful black banking system, or any major source of control or influence if you don't start anywhere, whether small or large.

And I get it, people aren't going to like it. Why do we need blacks only book clubs and chess clubs, what's the point of black only math programs and real estate development....I'm not saying we can never have allies and we have to do it ourselves but we have to pull the load. 80 us 20 them. While the numbers are small, and the attempts are pathetic and the communities are faux and niche, that's when it's most important to hold strong, forge ahead and remain vigilant.
Would Candace Owens be extended membership?

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Being black is racial and cultural.

If she self marketed herself as black. She would be black.

Since she self marketed herself as white.

With no attention publically.
to have or showcase knowledge of self.

She is the white woman.
she choose to be publically.
As she choose to showcase disconnect. From being black all together.

As being white.
Was created to be a north american racist concept.
Created and fleshed out even more. when white people created being white in 1681.

By that.
She would be considered white.

as she does nuffin in a black lexicon culturally.
Plus marketed herself.
On her own.
as being a white woman.

If she had a gateway marketed stream. Where she had her other friends on there. Yet rhey were listening to public Enemy from their own discovery zone. Plus she was checking people with a track record. Of having knowledge of self. I could see this happening.

Yet since she does not.
Plus has used her social media presence. To play the Zuckerberg Facebook white people draw based move.

We already been through to many swerves recently.

Might as well stay guarded to the chest with this one.

Have to draw a line in the sand. The same way she ran to their side. Without even standing up for herself from a kid to now.
Plus no gateway expression of knowledge of self. anywhere on her social media that was posted.

I think you have to let her create content that shows she is down. To even trust her.

People mention halle or others. Yet halle was overly down for the brothers. Before goofie nikkaz got ego candy of the highest degree. That they ran halle off. After she really pushed black women approaching the man they want.
Sohh...using halle in this situation is bogus as an indicator.

As halle always portrayed herself as black.
Even when halle was starting on rv. Halle had issues and fought on set because of discrimination. Plus the show failed because the cast was too jealous of her success as a model to transistion as well as being black.

This woman never did any of that. When she has her own pr at her disposal.

To showcase she was a black woman. With the ball in her hands.

She is not black. Only black when convenient. That you have to classify her as white. As she uses white privilege to her advantage.

Now if she won some gaming tourneys. Was huge in chats as the militant biracial. I could see the committe swaying. Yet it would be in poor light to let out guard down. For someone who never made themselves vulnerable. Plus never aligned with anything publically in the black lexicon. Till they conveniently could get paid for it.
Yet when they could develop a draw centered around being black. They use that opportunity to portray white privilege.

The committe was correct to do this.

You make being black sound performative.

“taps into blackness”…bro what does this even mean? This is why I hate when we speak this way. BLACK is a phenotype. Thats it. Everything else was in contrast to how you were treated because your skin, not your behavior.

Again, would Candace Owens be invited?


As Candace owens is too divisive.
Plus provides no upside.
As well as owens has never created.
any idea of understanding to help being black. Or aid black people genuinely in good faith.

I don't even think I would let quin. Play either when quin is black but act too white adjacent. Like some mole base ally. Same thing with this. As this woman has never showcased any inclination to being black.
Like even running to complain on social media is in bad light. As that is seeking the white crowd to bully a black establishment. Using misappropriated black boycott civil right movement type shyt. Plus with how white women have used black people to gain civil rights. Whilenalso runningthe udc. Then turned their back on black people.
You have to categorize her in the same light. Especially after the Rachel dolezal situation.
Where confidently when it suited a white woman professionally and in stature to play games. They did and then tried to make it like because she was white. She could be whatever she wanted to be. While making an internal mockery about black people. As well as any administration. We used to gain freedom and civil rights for white woman.

Cimmitte did the right thing. Considering this woman tried to pass. Instead of gaining knowledge of self.
When if she was culturally Into being black.
Her actions publically to draw.
Would align with being black.

For her to use it when convient. Is the same tricknology as Rachel dolezal.

When this Becky. Could have marketed herself in pr on her own volition. Yet choose to access her white privilege. White privilege a black person does not have at all.
To float back and forth.

In that case she would be culturally identified as white. Plus she personally marketed herself to be white. When she has resources at her disposal to gain knowledge of self. Yet showcases none of that culturally as her gateway medium online.

Art Barr

But y'all said that INDIAN Kamala was a SISTA? :mjtf:

Kamala went to a hbcu tho.
This chick does not even have a African medallion from her father.
Visibly anywhere in her own gateway pr.

Pr she publically used to draw.
as a white woman.
Which she created on her own.

Art Barr


May 14, 2012
Would Candace Owens be extended membership?
If I'm the leader, yes. She is black. Shes an absolute fukking c00n but she needs to be educated or at least attempted to be educated.
As far as her husband, and half breed demon off seeds. Absolutely not, they can wait in the car when it's 16 degrees in February til we done.
Openly bragging about having “black women’s spaces” isn’t how you curate black women’s spaces. You do that silently, like everyone else who is serious does this.

Just because everyone else is successful while doing it that way doesn't mean it's the only way it can or has to be done. I'm not saying it isn't smart or wise to do it that way. But we tend to find out how to do things that work for us on our own.


Mar 30, 2018
I can’t believe the retarted takes I’m seeing in here especially from nikkas who go crazy for Kamala Harris. you nikkas are idiots and don’t know your own black American history because if we want to get into DNA none of you black American or Caribbean nikkas are 100% African that’s why I hate the term mono racial because that’s not true for us. And y’all keep talking about white passing like white passing folks weren’t discriminated against, like they weren’t enslaved and like they weren’t lynched as well I got the family history as proof. So when y’all are doing all these semantics I just don’t understand if you’re a Black American how you just dismiss biracials and I hate when y’all play the who’s black or not semantics because either all biracials are black or they’re all not and then they need become their own buffer class. nikkas will go to bat for Obama and then dismiss Drake who is actually Black American by descent. Crazy. And if being black means being 100% African than none of us are black.


overflowing with bliss
Dec 23, 2016
Most of them don’t so that’s why they whine all day about BM and Beckys no pun intended. Most white boys ain’t checking for them like that.

Misery does that to ya :francis:

Hold on, y'all told us Kamala is Black but won't accept this girl. Btw I have no dog in this race just pointing out the hypocrisy.

You know what? You right. They probably all voted for her too.