well it comes down to 2 different scenarios on how black women define a biracial female
1. If the biracial female has a black mother, then she’s black. …. black father she is biracial.
2. If the biracial female marries a white man, then she’s black. … marries a black man is biracial
SWP from youtube … several years ago, gave the perfect analogy with this bullshyt
He compared Meghan, Markle and Tyrese’s ex-wife = two beautiful women who can pass as sisters and broke down how black women celebrated Meghan Markle yet shytted on Tyrese‘s ex because he posted on social media about his love for his black wife
That's the only reason why I'm taking the stance I am. Because a lot of black women play these little hypocritical games about biracial women all while celebrating famous biracial women