The thing with this biracial shyt is its really situational. I wouldnt expect someone of mulitple races that was raised by white folk to identify as a black person.
My dad is half black, half italian....his mother being italian...her family abandoned her when she married a black man so there was really no white influence on his life. he was brought up as a black man amongst black people..
I'm actually lighter than my dad, even with a black mother...yet people still try to tell me that i'm not black or tell me to claim some side of me that never existed. yes there is white in me thru my grandmother, but she actually died before i was born and i never had a white relative. everyone around me, including myself is black.
I was taught as a kid that we all come in different shades...even white people have a color scale. i'm on the lower end as far as black folk go, but at this point im fine with it. You dont have to choose a side if you are given both sides. I chose a side because its the only thing i know and the only thing i want to know. I'm black and nothing can change that. At the end of the day these cacs still call me a ******.