Bioshock Infinite leaked


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
You guys don't see the big picture and YES it has affected how games are being created these days. Don't you see how few risks these companies are taking these days? Its the same old recycled franchises and now HD remakes of classics to get people to buy. A new franchise that takes risks is extremely difficult to pull off these days because publishers are worried that they won't see a return because of how expensive it is. So yeah, thousands downloaded and pirated the game. What if they didn't have that option? Let's say 5,000 of them would be tempted to buy the game because they could not acquire it by other means....that's anywhere from 200K-300K just on that first thousand. Subsequent downloaders would probably bite at lower price points to gain even more money in the long run. Steam has proven this already, you and @winb83 are wrong
your line of thinking assumes that many people that download a game would buy it. that is in fact not likely to be true. i know this because when i was poorer i regularly downloaded games i couldn't afford to buy and if i couldn't download them i wouldn't play them.

the people like say Bill Gates who have the paper aren't downloading games because its nothing for them to buy them. as my money get better in life i actually bought more and more games simply because i could afford to.

i download a lot of anime now that i wouldn't watch if the choice was buy it of DVD or not watch it. shyt comes on TV for free in Japan so why should i have to buy a DVD for something i don't even know if i'll like and even if i do like it doesn't mean i wanna own it.

now with used games that was a person willing to spend money on the game and they bought the game its just that the developer didn't get compensated in the transaction nor did the publisher.

used games are more damaging than piracy because these are people who are willing to spend money and have money to spend. many pirates aren't that.
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Apr 30, 2012
your line of thinking assumes that many people that download a game would buy it. that is in fact not likely to be true. i know this because when i was poorer i regularly downloaded games i couldn't afford to buy and if i couldn't download them i wouldn't play them.

the people like say Bill Gates who have the paper aren't downloading games because its nothing for them to buy them. as my money get better in life i actually bought more and more games simply because i could afford to.

i download a lot of anime now that i wouldn't watch if the choice was buy it of DVD or not watch it. shyt comes on TV for free in Japan so why should i have to buy a DVD for something i don't even know if i'll like and even if i do like it doesn't mean i wanna own it.

now with used games that was a person willing to spend money on the game and they bought the game its just that the developer didn't get compensated in the transaction nor did the publisher.

used games are more damaging than piracy because these are people who are willing to spend money and have money to spend. many pirates aren't that.
First of all when it comes to the bolded, what part of steam proving it don't you understand? I think you are primarily a console gamer so you don't have a fresh perspective of just how bad things got in the PC world in the late 90's to early 2000's. Piracy was killing everything and PC gaming was almost looked upon as dead. In fact, piracy was one of the big problems on the damn Dreamcast and a major contributor to that system being shelved quickly.

As far as your "poor" comment, you don't HAVE to buy a game as soon as its released, what is this sense of entitlement from you guys? If you can't afford a $60 game, then I would hope that you don't have to resort to stealing the damn thing because your finances are not in order.

A triple-A game usually has 5 pricing tiers


If people can't pirate the game easily then they will fall into one of those tiers if they are really interested in playing the game. Once you pay for a product you have a greater sense of appreciation of what you have put money in, maybe even contribute to a community forum in which developers and publishers can read to improve on a title. More people buy it? Means even quicker price drops. The product moves well, more chances are taken, and on average most people will pay a lower price once tiers are reached. It's a win-win when all things are considered and not much of a large investment from the community as a whole.

Used and Downloads? They are BOTH damaging and you trying to break down which is more or less harmful is not the issue here. The publishers AND developers have to take control of the market to secure their investments. They SHOULD have control of seeing some money from almost each pair of eyes that views their product. This shouldn't be this hard for you to grasp. You keep pulling this line of "Oh, how do you know people who are downloading will buy it." I am not talking absolute numbers here, I understand that there will ALWAYS be a certain group who will NEVER refuse to pay for the game just like there are those who refuse to work for a living. This does not negate the fact that they should NOT be entitled to enjoy the fruits of the labor of THOUSANDS that spent MONTHS and in some cases YEARS developing something when those people have put a value of ZERO on it.

Your story of buying more games since you started making more money is nice, but it STILL does not justify downloading a product and disrespecting the fact that people put all this time into developing something for you to enjoy at a fair price. Would you like to work in an industry in where you worked your ass off and possibly could face a layoff after working 50-60+ hour weeks because some a$$hole decided to fire up a torrent so millions could possibly download something you put so much time and effort into? I didn't think so.

I glossed over your Anime Japan comment because of how ridiculous it is. Are you JEALOUS that the people in Japan are watching something for free? MOVE TO JAPAN if its that serious to you. Do you think manufacturing a product is free to get it ready for consumption in ANOTHER COUNTRY? Do you realize how many layers all of this shyt has to go through to get to you? YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS RIGHT NOW :laff:


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
Your story of buying more games since you started making more money is nice, but it STILL does not justify downloading a product and disrespecting the fact that people put all this time into developing something for you to enjoy at a fair price. Would you like to work in an industry in where you worked your ass off and possibly could face a layoff after working 50-60+ hour weeks because some a$$hole decided to fire up a torrent so millions could possibly download something you put so much time and effort into? I didn't think so.
i'm living proof that people who can afford to buy typically buy. mainly its poorer and broke people who download. in all honestly i don't gain any piece of mind knowing some poor b*stard who couldn't really afford to buy my product anyway didn't downloading it. if they weren't a potential customer to begin with it would be irrelevant to me.

I glossed over your Anime Japan comment because of how ridiculous it is. Are you JEALOUS that the people in Japan are watching something for free? MOVE TO JAPAN if its that serious to you. Do you think manufacturing a product is free to get it ready for consumption in ANOTHER COUNTRY? Do you realize how many layers all of this shyt has to go through to get to you? YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS RIGHT NOW :laff:
should someone from Japan be expected to buy the boxed set of Person of Interest on DVD because it doesn't broadcast on network TV in their nation? granted they don't even know if they like the show just read the premise and was curious about it. if you wanna watch it you can DVR the show and watch it for free them if they wanna see the same episodes they should buy the boxed set not even knowing if they wanna own it.

First of all when it comes to the bolded, what part of steam proving it don't you understand? I think you are primarily a console gamer so you don't have a fresh perspective of just how bad things got in the PC world in the late 90's to early 2000's. Piracy was killing everything and PC gaming was almost looked upon as dead. In fact, piracy was one of the big problems on the damn Dreamcast and a major contributor to that system being shelved quickly.

As far as your "poor" comment, you don't HAVE to buy a game as soon as its released, what is this sense of entitlement from you guys? If you can't afford a $60 game, then I would hope that you don't have to resort to stealing the damn thing because your finances are not in order.

A triple-A game usually has 5 pricing tiers

All Steam does is make buying many games so inexpensive anyone damn near can afford to buy. i've bought $50 games on Steam for $10. Steam proves if you charge an affordable price for something people will buy.

the bottom line is this

from a morality standpoint of the argument being used against downloading also applies to used games / loaning / trading / renting also result in the publisher and developer not being compensated for someone playing their product. the only real difference is authorized copy vs unauthorized copy and the law protects all of the latter but doesn't protect the former.

yet i don't see any of you anti-downloaders on here talking about make sure you buy the game at it's highest price when its first released to help the developer maximize their profits off it. make sure you never rent games, loan them out, or buy and second hand games.

i don't see yall going these developers are facing layoffs and people out here are buying the games their employer puts out second hand and that employer is not compensated for that purchase at all so they're shytting on those employees hard work and threatening their livelihood. you tell me why aren't people saying this?
May 1, 2012
And again the rich laugh as us peons argue over ethics..

We busy pointing fingers and picking sides over these crumbs...

Just like welfare...lookey here breh...

Take this moral justice to the banks who are stealing billions of dollars from society but are "too big to prosecute"..

but nah..lets stick up for the anti piracy movement who are trying to give regular people decades of incarceration over some God damn digital files

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2


May 6, 2012
And again the rich laugh as us peons argue over ethics..

We busy pointing fingers and picking sides over these crumbs...

Just like welfare...lookey here breh...

Take this moral justice to the banks who are stealing billions of dollars from society but are "too big to prosecute"..

but nah..lets stick up for the anti piracy movement who are trying to give regular people decades of incarceration over some God damn digital files

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
Agreed. I see both side of the arguments making clear points, but at the end of the day there are bigger things happening that people turn a blind eye too.

Question, how would you guys feel if that patent Microsoft has comes into fruition? the one where the kinect presumably would detect how many users are in a given room viewing a movie and thus would shut off the film if too many people are watching??


Retired Legend
Apr 30, 2012
Basically cats are jealous they gotta wait.


although i already have a retail copy

Agreed. I see both side of the arguments making clear points, but at the end of the day there are bigger things happening that people turn a blind eye too.

Question, how would you guys feel if that patent Microsoft has comes into fruition? the one where the kinect presumably would detect how many users are in a given room viewing a movie and thus would shut off the film if too many people are watching??

I would play less games as simple as that. the cinema bullshyt already detects download copies for films.


Walker Lexus Ranger
Jun 9, 2012
idgaf if you download.

it's the ole 'look at me' ass mofukkas acting like they found out some secret way to do shyt we don't know about :snoop:

The movie guys are like this too sometimes, on some "pfft :win: I'll never get Netflix, why would I when I can torrent everything" inferring those of us that do subscribe to something like Netflix don't know how to use a torrent or something :smh:

I don't got time to be pirating shyt like that n e more. If I want a game I buy it, If a movie or show is on Netflix I haven't seen I watch it, If I want a blu ray bad enough I buy it or Redbox it. It's really just convenience.