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you take nonsense seriously HA*
Many moons and years ago, I chatted with him about his inaccuracies. His replies let me know he wasn't a serious person.
well this is what id say to that
when you are born you have no knowledge whatsoever except that you are alive and have control over your body
all other knowledge comes to you through your surroundings which includes your family and your families testimonies
while it may appear that your surroundings take precedence over you, the fundamental fact is you may have been born despite your surroundings.
so rather than considering "reincarnation" the better thought is what is incarnation? were you always born or did something initiate your existence
if God took the israelites out of egypt, were there in truth only 70 of them?not counting Joseph who was already in Egypt
now why do I say this, because one of the oldest deities in Egypt (Min) was considered the "bull of his mother"(Kamutef) meaning he made his own mother conceive him which is a paradox. Do children conceive of their mothers or do mothers conceive of their children? maybe both?
but if we are made in the image of God, then the image of God is conceptionYou’re on that Billy Carson flow right now ironically
You forget knowledge can come from God/the holy spirit. Things otherwise man can’t explain
Also knowledge can come from other spiritual sources according to the Bible which aren’t “holy”.
I guess that makes them not from God, but I could be wrong don’t take my word for it![]()
10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;
I always assumed he was on the spectrumNow I’m interested. Billy seems smart but I thought he maybe had some mental health struggles at some point.
I saw he said he lost his wife after he said he saw aliens at his home. Kinda tuned out after thatI always assumed he was on the spectrum
Just now seeing this@O.T.I.S.
Here’s the REAL question:
What does it benefit Billy Carson and his theories if Jesus wasn’t Crucified?
That seemed the main issue in the video which Billy was 100% wrong and lying about.
Why try to say Jesus had a secret wife/was married?
For clicks and views?
Either Billy is incredibly stupid (you don’t need to be a Bible scholar to know what the gospels say about Jesus and how it’s the most credible source we have historically) and came into the debate unprepared.
Or he’s just purposely attacking Christianity via Jesus NOT “dying for sins” all the while knowing he’s wrong.
Either way he lost
I’m not saying Billy has to become a Christian because he “lost” a debate.
He can believe what he wants, but why is Jesus such a threat to him?
And that’s my point.
Why focus on Jesus death on the cross?
What issue does he have with Jesus dying particularly?
Same thing can be said with Muslims…. But that’s another topic for another thread![]()