I hope not - there is no reason for them to mess that GameStop plot up. It’s not that complicated unless they overly inflate the storyline for dramatic purposes. The script is basically written for them. All they need to do is use Marketwatch for reference. Retail investors bet high, hedge funds deliberately undervalued what they thought was a fledgling company with a struggling market value. Retail investors watching the research and profitability saw new product development which raised the value of Gamestop. Hedge funders overestimated the demand for digital games. Bought stock at a loss when in reality they didn’t account for the upward trend.
The KISS method (keep it simple stupid) -
there’s no need to include the predictive analysts either or the work that Taylor does. Basically just show how the average person no MBA. was able to watch the emerging market and product development to predict the potential value Of a company.
Retail Investors + GameStop >>> Hedge Fund + Wall Street.
The outliers:
(Robin Hood hit the - wtf, no can’t cover all of these

Melvin Capital -Sell, no Close out!!! No wait- sell!! Why is the price rising - make it stop!!!! This wasn’t supposed to happen- close out!! we lost billions in one day -

in comes the billionaires with bail outs making the govt look like a bytch: “Senator err Representative Dumass - you better get your ass on CNBC and Finance Global TV to downplay this or else I’m removing that 25k, bri... uhh I mean contribution that I’ve been delivering to you to represent my interests, SEC - y’all better find a legal loophole or, there is no OR, just do it”
That it’s - that’s all they need to do. The average person or audience is not going to know the intricacies of a short sale as far as the numerical value so they don’t need to do a deep dive. Focus on the corruption and retail investors.