Bill O’Reilly Talking Points Memo On Problems Within Black Communities & Race Hustlers


Jul 17, 2013
ppl get fooled by tv. when you turn on tv the only thing happening there is entertainment. i understand some ppl take tv serious. i "believe" to have peace of mind you have to watch tv only for entertainment purposes.. turn it off and go on with your life. there's no real news on tv. there's no real sport on tv. everything there is fixed. fixed for ratings. it's a script for ratings.

bill o is an actor. he's mastered the act of playing politics and acting all emotional and fixing and editing arguements to make himself look good. don't be fooled by this guy. these tv guys know and understand the game. bill and john stewart understand what they have to say to their respective audiences. at the end of the day they will go to dinner together and laugh about it. it's like wrestling. if you get caught up with their sh1t i'm sorry for you. but they've done their job and making millions off you. bill o don't give a sh1t about no nicca. he lives a lifestyle which doesn't involve no niccas.

Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012

had to LOL, when I heard lil waynes verse

So called "Race Hustler" do more for blacks, than conservative white guys who just back handedly bashed black american leaders, black american music, black american civil rights incidents

Blacks need to find their own rhetoric, than looking at another person scape goat you and blame you for what blacks didnt cause on themselves

What about white rockers? they speak "proper" English? No. 57% of black youth between 16 - 19, is that the prime age for opportunity for black youth?
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Jul 24, 2013
  • Family disintegration -- true, there has been a decline in traditional households, nationally, across all races. Again, a devilishly disingenuous move to cloud the issue national familial breakdown.

It's not disingenuous because black families are disintegrated at a much higher rate than any other race. Other races are declining in family households, but they don't come close to the 72% out of wedlock births that blacks have.

  • [*]Terrible economic conditions
    • A lack of jobs capable of providing an average or above average living condition.

  • There's a lack of jobs for a lot of impoverished blacks for a reason. Yes, part of that can be attributed to racism, and part of it is attributed to what is clear to everyone; these people reject social standards. They are simply unemployable.

  • How can you employ someone who refuses to speak proper english? They also reject education so of course if a lot of them drop out of school then the community as a whole is largely unemployable.
    • I do not condone nor recommend anyone sell drugs or commit crimes, but if you're poor and a highly commercialized, materialistic society makes you feel less than human because you can barely provide the essentials, let alone the best christmases, etc. -- then I can understand why one would resort to that. I'm sure many of us have felt similarly on this board.
It would be one thing if someone was selling drugs on the corner as a way to pay himself through college. But that's not the case for 99% of these thugs on the streets. So what does that tell me? It means their intentions are impure. They aren't just simply trying to make a living. They chose that life because everyone around them choses the environment so in their mind its the cool thing to do. Why take the hard traditional way of becoming successful when you can take the easy way of being a corner boy? It's the environment within the ghetto that's influencing these kids to slang dope and murder their brother.
  • Bad educations
  • That may be part of the problem, the education for blacks is bad. But you know why it's bad? Because blacks have made it bad. I went to minority schools and most of the people in the school completely rejected education. It was very rare to see people talking about wanting to go to college. They did nothing in high school, and neither did I, we just hung out because that's what the environment influences you to do. When everyone around you rejects education, you wanna hop on the same boat. Its a self-perpetuating cycle and racism has nothing to do with it. Its the culture. If impoverished blacks were studying hard and asking for better schools they would get better schools. The reason why none of the good teachers teach at ghetto schools is because they know most of the students are completely apathetic. You can't force someone to learn.
    • You can legislate effective sex education which may aid teen pregnancies.
  • I agree with this. Abstinence only programs ought to be illegal.
  • "You can't legislate good parenting"
    • Yes, but you can legislate how social safety programs divvy up monies. You can set up standards and policies that allow for those who actually need the system temporarily to receive the help, rather than screw those that need it and hand it out to those who are faking or playing the system.
  • For sure, everyone can agree on that.
    • You can allocate money for social programs that actually make a difference rather than axing those programs at the first signs of economic troubles.
      • Many of which actually help parents, young and old.
    • I agree.
    • You can legislate which free health clinics receive contraceptive measures which can be provided to prevent unprepared parents -- thus preventing out of wedlock children that O'Reilly seems to demonize.
    • For sure.
    • However none of what you said above excuses bad parenting. How are government handouts going to fix the out of wedlock birthrate? That's what bad parenting is, having a baby then leaving it with the mother. Its also bad parenting to not talk about the value in getting an education.


Jul 24, 2013
  • You can stop funneling the drugs into this country because I can guarantee that Tyrone on the block can't grow poppy fields in his projects.
  • Who is "you?" You think the white man is pulling drugs in this country? From what I understand it's the mexicans. But either way, even if the largest producers of cocaine and such are white people it's irrelevant. No one's forcing these people to deal drugs and reject education.
But, hey what do I know? O'Reilly's problem, as is that of most Americans, is that he focuses on two micro issues that are truly symptoms of macro level problems

and attempts to cure the disease by treating the symptoms rather than attacking the cancer itself. The cancer being capitalism itself. What does every point or subpoint above have in common? They are all economically driven. By lobbyists, politicians, public officials, or private entities looking to profit. Period. Money drives the issue here.
If capitalism is the problem then how do you account for the success of the rest of the population? How is it that other poor immigrants come here and do just fine, even exceptionally well, in our capitalistic society? What is it about capitalism that you think targets blacks specifically?

Blacks and browns are, in the process, demonized when they are systematically targeted for these issues. The first place legislators attack for funding -- inner cities with large concentrations of blacks and browns.
These people have trashed their own communities. They actively destroy any and all means of accepted social order. They litter, they reject education, they speak with a nine year old's conception of the english language, and they gang bang on the streets. These communities are more often than not full of black and brown so yes of course legislators are gonna pull the plug on black and brown communities first.

The first people that excessively gaudy pieces of clothing, jewelry, sneakers are marketed toward, yup, blacks and browns.

Black people embrace these things themselves. I don't see many blacks trying to resist this type of marketing. Of course whoever does is called a c00n. And I'm not even sure what you're trying to say, are you saying the white man is doing this marketing? Sure, but what about the influence of rappers like lil wayne? Why don't you call out the entertainment idols that blacks look up to?

The first people to get demonized because they cannot simply pick themselves up from their bootstraps and move forward in life -- yup, you guessed it.
And RIGHTFULLY so. Blacks SHOULD be demonized when not only do a lot of blacks reject education, commit violent crime, and have out of wedlock births, but the blacks that don't participate in said culture DEFEND this culture by saying its the white man who's causing these problems instead of admitting that the black community is perpetuating it themselves. This is why so many people in this country look down on black people. Its not because they're blindly looking at the minority of blacks that make it bad for the rest of us. They look at that, AND the fact that the ENTIRETY of the black community turns a blind eye to it and cries racism anytime someone tries to criticize it.

The black community is guilty not only in their complacency, but their refusal to acknowledge the root of the problems that affect us. Racism IS a problem, but its not THE problem. Sure the white man put us in this mess, but who's perpetuating it?

Miss me with this blacks lack personal responsibility crap. Personal responsibility implies the existence of free will

People have the free will to get educated. People have the free will to not leave their baby momma alone. People have the free will to not sell drugs. People have the free will to not gun down their own brothers. I understand that poverty makes me people do extreme things to survive, but when the entire culture in these impoverished communities encourages people to reject education and not attend to their children, they can only blame themselves for perpetuating the cycle. And on top of all this, the blacks folks outside the ghetto don't want to acknowledge these problems and when they do they don't want to find ways to fix it themselves but would rather call "justice for trayvon", as if that has anything to do with the black drop out rate.

and being placed in a system which actively seeks to exterminate you does not provide you with willpower; instead it evokes a nihilistic, apathetic philosophy toward life.
There's nothing apathetic about being a thug. The goal in life is to acquire as much wealth as possible by any means possible, fukk bytches, spend all of your wealth on things that don't matter.

Then again, most of us on this board already know this.
Well of course, most blacks LOVE to hear someone make excuses for the state of our community. We can't take blame for anything. It's all on the white man.


Jul 24, 2013
so many c00ns and whites in this thread

Anytime someone doesn't like an argument but they have nothing logical to say against it, its always easy to attack the author rather than the argument itself. This is especially true in the black community. Any time a black person starts making too much sense people shout c00n or uncle tom as a way to make it easy for themselves to not have to construct a counter-argument.