Its crazy how white ppl deflect blame from their actions. Its crazy how its always the fault of black ppl whether we are victims or the perpetrators of crime it makes no difference its ALWAYS our fault.
We cant question our history, we cant question the legal system, we cant question the racist majority of this country without some random statistic being thrown at us as to why its our fault.
You can only be a law abiding citizen for so long as a black person before u are put on trial just for being black in the wrong place, YOU ARE every black person to these cacs in the court of law. If you're a doctor with dreads u are automatically a threat just because of ur appearance. Instead of questioning the RACIST MAJORITY about profiling, the blame is thrown back at us. To whites its not their problem that they percieve a threat from a hairstyle, its the innocent person wearing the dreads that has the problem because he didnt go out of his way to make whites feel safe around him.
The nerve of this cac to mention the deterioration of the black family when whites are DIRECTLY responsible for this. Its crazy how they wanna completely wash there hands of the evils this country was built on(the same evils that allow these passive cacs to enjoy all the wonders of white priviledge in this country yet claim theyre not racist).
White males will shoot up a school or a movie theatre at a whim but u never see whites get profiled for this. This disingenuous social commentary might impress u cacs and c00ns but i can see right through this devil's trickery.
Until the RACIST MAJORITY can admit that they have a fear of black males and pretty much all things black these problems will never be resolved. But of course we cant ask too many questions to the majority, any attempt to question wrong doing by the RACIST MAJORITY will be met with swift deflection and finger pointing.
fukk this country