Thank God we have Bill O'Reily to let us dumb negros know how we are to feel about race relations in America. Where would us simple c00ns be without this great white man to show us the way.
He's not 100% wrong. But, he puts way to much emphasis on two factors instead of including all the other relevant factors. Which is a classic devil move.
Challenging the entertainment industry to stop peddling garbage -- fair, but antithetical to a capitalist economy, which O'Reilly loves.
So according to O'Reilly -- guns don't hurt people, but dangerous entertainers do?
Family disintegration -- true, there has been a decline in traditional households, nationally, across all races. Again, a devilishly disingenuous move to cloud the issue national familial breakdown.
Terrible economic conditions
A lack of jobs capable of providing an average or above average living condition.
I do not condone nor recommend anyone sell drugs or commit crimes, but if you're poor and a highly commercialized, materialistic society makes you feel less than human because you can barely provide the essentials, let alone the best christmases, etc. -- then I can understand why one would resort to that. I'm sure many of us have felt similarly on this board.
Bad educations --
Anecdotal, but my high school housed 3,500 students and this was in a small city. The administration was more concerned with complete obedience, their own paychecks, unions, and standardized test scores than actually worrying about encouraging learning, critical thinking, college prep, etc.
In fact, I was allowed office aid credits in my senior yr of high school and I was placed with the Technology department. Thought it was going to be ill and I'd learn more about computers...NOPE. I learned how to disassemble tables, take out trash, and get greasy. Did that for two days and realized I was doing a janitorial job.
In fact, many of my friends had similar experiences, while white students were allowed to do office work in the house offices.
College preparation programs are consistently being cut -- google TRIO programs and how much good they do and how they are consistently shafted in the process.
You can legislate effective sex education which may aid teen pregnancies.
"You can't legislate good parenting"
Yes, but you can legislate how social safety programs divvy up monies. You can set up standards and policies that allow for those who actually need the system temporarily to receive the help, rather than screw those that need it and hand it out to those who are faking or playing the system.
You can allocate money for social programs that actually make a difference rather than axing those programs at the first signs of economic troubles.
Many of which actually help parents, young and old.
You can legislate which free health clinics receive contraceptive measures which can be provided to prevent unprepared parents -- thus preventing out of wedlock children that O'Reilly seems to demonize.
You can stop funneling the drugs into this country because I can guarantee that Tyrone on the block can't grow poppy fields in his projects.
But, hey what do I know? O'Reilly's problem, as is that of most Americans, is that he focuses on two micro issues that are truly symptoms of macro level problems and attempts to cure the disease by treating the symptoms rather than attacking the cancer itself. The cancer being capitalism itself. What does every point or subpoint above have in common? They are all economically driven. By lobbyists, politicians, public officials, or private entities looking to profit. Period. Money drives the issue here.
Blacks and browns are, in the process, demonized when they are systematically targeted for these issues. The first place legislators attack for funding -- inner cities with large concentrations of blacks and browns. The first people that excessively gaudy pieces of clothing, jewelry, sneakers are marketed toward, yup, blacks and browns. The first people that get shipped drugs -- blacks and browns. The first people systematically targeted for using said drugs which can be found overabundantly -- yup, blacks and browns. The first people to get gerrymandered in order to keep legislators in power and thereby the current system-- yup, blacks and browns. The first people to get demonized because they cannot simply pick themselves up from their bootstraps and move forward in life -- yup, you guessed it.
Miss me with this blacks lack personal responsibility crap. Personal responsibility implies the existence of free will and being placed in a system which actively seeks to exterminate you does not provide you with willpower; instead it evokes a nihilistic, apathetic philosophy toward life.
Then again, most of us on this board already know this.
See this is what propaganda is
propaganda doesn't mean lies, it means half-truths
one half being truth the other half being lies enveloped in commentary
That is what you have here and that's why many are saying he's not completely wrong.
But he isn't wrong, however not everything he said was true and he definitely has an agenda.
The difficulty with that is that the liberal media is no different.
It's a lot of white people and non black people like slystallion and kingpin OG that cosign this guy in this thread. They are everywhere on this forum.
Obama did touch on black fathers not abandoning their kids and nikkas was mad at him for it. With that said, O'Reilly is correct for the most part but for him to call someone else a race hustler is pot calling the kettle black.
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