Neo. The Only. The One.
nikkas in this thread stay asking why these chicks didn't come forward sooner.. but the fact that the AP buried this until now tells you all you need to know about that.
Not to say that he actually raped any of them, or that he raped ALL of the ones who are alleging it, but Cosby is or was one of the most powerful and respected men in entertainment. If he can get an organization like the AP to fall back, you think he can't intimidate some random chick who he just raped and get her to shut up and do the same?
breh, with all due respect, you're ignorant of how the media works
I work in media, and when you do an interview, there's always things said off the record and if you're an ethical journalist, you're supposed to respect that and not report what was said OFF THE RECORD
you know absolutely nothing about living in the public eye
when you become an entertainer or a public figure, everything you do is scrutinized and all your privacy is gone
with that being said, people that are getting interviewed have always been granted the respect of allowing them to let you know when something they say is off the record, because they're people just like the rest of us and sometimes they misspeak
only difference between a misspeak from you and a misspeak from them is that nobody cares what your white @$$ has to say
but if it's a public figure, people are gonna be all over it
just like when Pres Obama called Kanye West a jack@$$
that was supposed to be off the record... not because the President didn't necessarily feel that way... but because he's a man and he's entitled to his own private view of things just like the rest of us
and sometimes as a person, you just don't want every thought you have to be made public
oh, but maybe your $&*^ smells like roses and you don't mind people knowing every thought that goes through your head.