Bad debater? People would gloss over me instead of running to any thread I start and going 3 pages in one hour. Don't be silly. In truth, I can't be touched.
Punk had NOTHING to do with the buys. Well..DUH. We know. He doesn't draw. That's the point. That's what counts. That's what this worked business is all about...all the cute smark promos and the slick reactions that gets pops...what the fukk has that done or meant at all? Nothing. Cena is still taking his main event spot at Mania while he HOPEFULLY gets in if Taker isn't up to par.
It's "well known"?'s not well known. We are the only motherfukkers talking about this shyt. The causals don't give a motherfukk about any of this nonsense. But Vince McMahon does and if Punk was a real draw, Rock wouldn't be necessary and Rock wouldn't be headlining for 3 years straight with a 4th being next year against Lesnar.
Nexus sucked and weren't believable? Why? Because some little goofball fantasy writer says so on the Coli? LOL. No..they were selling shirts and generating pretty loud fukking NEXUS SUCKS chants at Summerslam 2010 and beyond. The same event where in 1997, the crowd went buck wild for Austin and turned on Cripple H for the Rock the next year. Barometers and the ones I saw showed the Nexus being a big fukking deal.
And to make light of Wade getting buried and held down and all of that weak sissy mindset that makes weak debaters hard every day? That's why you get glossed over and show up after someone has made a legit point of merit. Can't be taken seriously. Shouldn't be taken seriously if you can't even read between the lines. What kind of stupid son of a bytch is going around thinking the Nexus was just some sucker faction that weren't meant for shyt? IF THEY HAD GOTTEN BOOKED like a heel Cena or Cripple h's Evolution, you would care and it would draw..because with half a push, it already was. Smarten up. Simple math.
Im going to break this drivel down paragraph by paragraph.
1) I don't even understand what you are saying.
2) I have already told you ppv buys are down each year as the cycle of the business downturns. Not completely the fault of one person. I noticed you ignored my Orton/Nexus argument. Typical. Doesn't fit your warped, bias view.
3) It is known. I look those numbers up on Wikipedia. And last time I check this isnt some premium, 10 dollar a month wrestling observer insider news bit. Rock would have been brought in regardless if the buys were 100k or 500k. Hes the Rock
4) Nexus sucked. Are you going to rank them there with NWO, DX, 4 horsemen, etc? No. All that other shyt you mentioned is irrelevant. Another reason you are a bad debater. Going off on wild tangents that have absolutely nothing to do with the argument
5) I don't even know what point you are trying to get across. Must be that magneto super villain talk. Like I said, the group was nothing more then Wade Barrett and flunkies. I don't care if they had Horsemen 86 push. Nobody took a redhair, Jennifer Hudson's fiancee, a faq from Cape town, or some goof in extra smedium trunks with a scorpion mask seriously.