Biggest botched storyline of this era

Biggest fukkups of the pg era

  • Total voters

The G.O.D II

A ha ha
May 1, 2012
Bad debater? People would gloss over me instead of running to any thread I start and going 3 pages in one hour. Don't be silly. In truth, I can't be touched.

Punk had NOTHING to do with the buys. Well..DUH. We know. He doesn't draw. That's the point. That's what counts. That's what this worked business is all about...all the cute smark promos and the slick reactions that gets pops...what the fukk has that done or meant at all? Nothing. Cena is still taking his main event spot at Mania while he HOPEFULLY gets in if Taker isn't up to par.

It's "well known"?'s not well known. We are the only motherfukkers talking about this shyt. The causals don't give a motherfukk about any of this nonsense. But Vince McMahon does and if Punk was a real draw, Rock wouldn't be necessary and Rock wouldn't be headlining for 3 years straight with a 4th being next year against Lesnar.

Nexus sucked and weren't believable? Why? Because some little goofball fantasy writer says so on the Coli? LOL. No..they were selling shirts and generating pretty loud fukking NEXUS SUCKS chants at Summerslam 2010 and beyond. The same event where in 1997, the crowd went buck wild for Austin and turned on Cripple H for the Rock the next year. Barometers and the ones I saw showed the Nexus being a big fukking deal.

And to make light of Wade getting buried and held down and all of that weak sissy mindset that makes weak debaters hard every day? That's why you get glossed over and show up after someone has made a legit point of merit. Can't be taken seriously. Shouldn't be taken seriously if you can't even read between the lines. What kind of stupid son of a bytch is going around thinking the Nexus was just some sucker faction that weren't meant for shyt? IF THEY HAD GOTTEN BOOKED like a heel Cena or Cripple h's Evolution, you would care and it would draw..because with half a push, it already was. Smarten up. Simple math.

Im going to break this drivel down paragraph by paragraph.

1) I don't even understand what you are saying.

2) I have already told you ppv buys are down each year as the cycle of the business downturns. Not completely the fault of one person. I noticed you ignored my Orton/Nexus argument. Typical. Doesn't fit your warped, bias view.

3) It is known. I look those numbers up on Wikipedia. And last time I check this isnt some premium, 10 dollar a month wrestling observer insider news bit. Rock would have been brought in regardless if the buys were 100k or 500k. Hes the Rock

4) Nexus sucked. Are you going to rank them there with NWO, DX, 4 horsemen, etc? No. All that other shyt you mentioned is irrelevant. Another reason you are a bad debater. Going off on wild tangents that have absolutely nothing to do with the argument

5) I don't even know what point you are trying to get across. Must be that magneto super villain talk. Like I said, the group was nothing more then Wade Barrett and flunkies. I don't care if they had Horsemen 86 push. Nobody took a redhair, Jennifer Hudson's fiancee, a faq from Cape town, or some goof in extra smedium trunks with a scorpion mask seriously.


Intensity Integrity Intelligence
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Auburn, AL
daniel bryan not contending for the WWE title regularly still baffles me considering how hot he was(and still is :noah: )

changing CM punk theme + his look(that slick hair :wow: )


Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
Im going to break this drivel down paragraph by paragraph.

1) I don't even understand what you are saying.

You are a child. Who would expect you to? You're naive and if something isn't laid down in layman terms? You need a Youtube vid for clarification. That's your level. Teenage girls have more worth on this subject than you.

2) I have already told you ppv buys are down each year as the cycle of the business downturns. Not completely the fault of one person. I noticed you ignored my Orton/Nexus argument. Typical. Doesn't fit your warped, bias view.

I ignored nothing. Randy Orton has no history whatsoever of drawing. Never has. Never will. If he did, he wouldn't have been repackaged so many times and wouldn't be where he in 2013 as some jobber to up and coming talent even though he's like 3 years younger than Punk and Cena.

And now you use "typical"? The transparency of you children is always so predictable:laugh: A poster who shows up for comedy sessions instead of debates or discussing any sort of vital history is supposedly unimpressed by one who is his natural superior? The gall of it all....

3) It is known. I look those numbers up on Wikipedia. And last time I check this isnt some premium, 10 dollar a month wrestling observer insider news bit. Rock would have been brought in regardless if the buys were 100k or 500k. Hes the Rock

Good. You stated the obvious. Hooray.

4) Nexus sucked. Are you going to rank them there with NWO, DX, 4 horsemen, etc? No. All that other shyt you mentioned is irrelevant. Another reason you are a bad debater. Going off on wild tangents that have absolutely nothing to do with the argument

Nexus SUCKING is an opinion. It's not a fact. The numbers are. They brought money in and were the biggest angle of the last 3 years. It was botched and ruined to put over John Cena. Simple.

And you don't know what a tangent is. You don't even know that Randy Orton is a non draw. You need to definitely be upgraded on the dos and don'ts.

I don't even know what point you are trying to get across. Must be that magneto super villain talk. Like I said, the group was nothing more then Wade Barrett and flunkies. I don't care if they had Horsemen 86 push. Nobody took a redhair, Jennifer Hudson's fiancee, a faq from Cape town, or some goof in extra smedium trunks with a scorpion mask seriously.

Speaking of bad debating...when people like you lose and you do often by the energy and anger you got for one you've never met, you have to resort to fantasy wack shyt. Magneto. "Austism". That's your's a decent gimmick though. But you'll never be able to tell me better because you don't even know the essentials yet. A boy who only shows up with smilies at convenient times. A coward if you will. Get it together.

The G.O.D II

A ha ha
May 1, 2012
You are a child. Who would expect you to? You're naive and if something isn't laid down in layman terms? You need a Youtube vid for clarification. That's your level. Teenage girls have more worth on this subject than you.

:yawn: Wack

I ignored nothing. Randy Orton has no history whatsoever of drawing. Never has. Never will. If he did, he wouldn't have been repackaged so many times and wouldn't be where he in 2013 as some jobber to up and coming talent even though he's like 3 years younger than Punk and Cena.

Summerslam 09 390k buys Summerslam 10 350k buys. By your logic, Orton is a bigger draw then the almighty nexus right?

And now you use "typical"? The transparency of you children is always so predictable:laugh: A poster who shows up for comedy sessions instead of debates or discussing any sort of vital history is supposedly unimpressed by one who is his natural superior? The gall of it all....

I mean seriously do you talk like this in real life? I can picture you hitting the
after you hit post

Good. You stated the obvious. Hooray.

So why bring him up in the first place?

Nexus SUCKING is an opinion. It's not a fact. The numbers are. They brought money in and were the biggest angle of the last 3 years. It was botched and ruined to put over John Cena. Simple.

Show me these numbers. Because nothing Nexus did in the fall of 2010 surpassed the previous year. Fact

And you don't know what a tangent is. You don't even know that Randy Orton is a non draw. You need to definitely be upgraded on the dos and don'ts.

Tangents are what ppl like you do when they can't stay on one subject so they have to go and reference events 12-13 years ago from a different era to validate your argument about how nexus was so major and then replying to my counterpoint of that with more Randy Orton slander, who had nothing to do with this part of the argument.

Speaking of bad debating...when people like you lose and you do often by the energy and anger you got for one you've never met, you have to resort to fantasy wack shyt. Magneto. "Austism". That's your's a decent gimmick though. But you'll never be able to tell me better because you don't even know the essentials yet. A boy who only shows up with smilies at convenient times. A coward if you will. Get it together.

more goofy
talk. I didn't use a single smilie. I just mentioned how green jobbers where not taken seriously in the long run by anyone. And here you are responding with ridiculous semantics. Please explain to me how big of a deal Michael Tarver and Heath Slater are


Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
I mean seriously do you talk like this in real life? I can picture you hitting the after you hit post

That's it..the extent of your insults? No merit? Shaky views? Come on...

Show me these numbers. Because nothing Nexus did in the fall of 2010 surpassed the previous year. Fact

Who gives a fukk. CM Punk, the most ass kissed star at this forum, didn't draw more. That's what. Blandy is done. Everyone saw how he got no sold at Rumble 2011. He's nothing. I'm talking about money here.

Tangents are what ppl like you do when they can't stay on one subject so they have to go and reference events 12-13 years ago from a different era to validate your argument about how nexus was so major and then replying to my counterpoint of that with more Randy Orton slander, who had nothing to do with this part of the argument.

Bullshyt. And worse? A weird perception of no value.

I'm responding with ridiculous semantics? I was the only one who brought numbers up. Everyone kept saying the same lame shyt. Nexus SUCKS. Then kind of defended Cena but had no problem with too much of the Punk stuff except for the Nash shyt. Double standard and phony. Another pile of garbage that doesn't make an ounce of sense.

The G.O.D II

A ha ha
May 1, 2012
That's it..the extent of your insults? No merit? Shaky views? Come on...

Well when your typing silliness like natural superior how else should I respond?

Who gives a fukk. CM Punk, the most ass kissed star at this forum, didn't draw more. That's what. Blandy is done. Everyone saw how he got no sold at Rumble 2011. He's nothing. I'm talking about money here.

Thats what I thought. Still can't directly answer the OG question:smugcheeseeyes:

Bullshyt. And worse? A weird perception of no value.

I'm responding with ridiculous semantics? I was the only one who brought numbers up. Everyone kept saying the same lame shyt. Nexus SUCKS. Then kind of defended Cena but had no problem with too much of the Punk stuff except for the Nash shyt. Double standard and phony. Another pile of garbage that doesn't make an ounce of sense.

And you failed to back up your "numbers" Double Standard and phony? The fukking irony.Weren't you just on Punk dikk prior to the Rock feud (you are lucky:hamster: is down). Now he's not a draw and his run was too much? :wtf: I'm done smacking you around on this topic. And next time quote me directly like a man or don't bother respond



Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
Smacking around? You ran to 2009 to try to bail CM Punk out for not drawing:laugh:

I don't care about answering anyone's questions. Google can do that for them. I just had to correct some wrongs...again.

Well when your typing silliness like natural superior how else should I respond?.

Inferior. Like you always have been. That's why you mingle with bottom feeders. Smarten's 2013. No excuses.


Apr 30, 2012
I don't see how out of all these choices, the Miz choice doesn't lead the votes. :mindblown: He was never good or interesting in the ring or on the mic, ever. And there was a whole gang of us pointing that out constantly, yet they gave him the title. :mindblown: And he went to Wrestlemania. :mindblown: Neither of which should have EVER happened. That still plagues my mind every time I think about it.

Toe Jay Simpson

May 12, 2012
Carmel City
I don't see how out of all these choices, the Miz choice doesn't lead the votes. :mindblown: He was never good or interesting in the ring or on the mic, ever. And there was a whole gang of us pointing that out constantly, yet they gave him the title. :mindblown: And he went to Wrestlemania. :mindblown: Neither of which should have EVER happened. That still plagues my mind every time I think about it.

He was a smart business move. That was and still is why they refuse to give up on him. He has a ton of charisma and is very comfortable representing the 'E as it's mainstream ambassador (pre-Rocky return). On top of that, he genuinely loves the business.

I'm not a fan at all. But that wasn't the worst gamble for a company that wanted to be associated with the "what's happenings" of Hollywood

At a regular office job, he would be the guy I stuck somewhere in human resources and had giving tours of the facility to new hires and doing interviews and speaking to competitors and what not. He had potential to be the face of that other lane for them that it appears The Rock will be kinda sort of handling part time

Toe Jay Simpson

May 12, 2012
Carmel City
1st line - :what: You cannot be serious. :what: :what:

2nd line - :mindblown: so what? There's a lot of guys who love the business that don't get pushed.

I'm dead serious. Turn on the TV, look at Access Hollywood or any other one of these celebrity hosted tabloid shows. That's the type of guy THEY like to see in front of the camera. From the cheesy suit, to the gelled hair, to the douche baggy cynicism. Tell me you don't feel like Miz could hold his own doing the Ryan Seacrest thing?

And what i meant by that 2nd point was, there's a passion there. He wants the WWE to succeed and is willing to work hard to see that happen. He's horrible in the ring, only good on the mic on a technical level, but can't actually cut a good promo (and there is a difference between the two), but I can't really fault the company for looking at him and saying, "well let you run for a minute or two"...that is, if your goal is to make money.

Ace Money

All Star
May 28, 2012
It blows my mind how everyone forgets how over Nexus was, and even more so how shook the roster was of them and how they destroyed everyone starting with their first debut.

1.I literally had the :tuckwhat: face while reading this Nobody said they'd all go on to become superstars, but you can't deny the fact that it had been ages since a storyline of that caliber shook up the industry.

2."Bu...bu...but...only Way Berry was gonna blow up." Okay, and? It's not Nexus' fault that the WWE lacked foresight, had faulty booking, showcased a piss poor tag-team division, had a non distinguishable mid-card, lacked a cruiser weight division, and were cynical towards younger talents. Let's lay off the could've/would've talk,bruhs; especially when fukkery has been status quo in the WWE for the past decade or so. Oh, and shout out to Isac Yank'em, The Ring Master, Terra Ryzing, "Mean" Mark Callous and a host of other nikkas that were deemed as simply being "serviceable/green/mid-card fodder."


Apr 30, 2012
I'm dead serious. Turn on the TV, look at Access Hollywood or any other one of these celebrity hosted tabloid shows. That's the type of guy THEY like to see in front of the camera. From the cheesy suit, to the gelled hair, to the douche baggy cynicism. Tell me you don't feel like Miz could hold his own doing the Ryan Seacrest thing?

And what i meant by that 2nd point was, there's a passion there. He wants the WWE to succeed and is willing to work hard to see that happen. He's horrible in the ring, only good on the mic on a technical level, but can't actually cut a good promo (and there is a difference between the two), but I can't really fault the company for looking at him and saying, "well let you run for a minute or two"...that is, if your goal is to make money.

I can't watch those shows. :scusthov: Can't tolerate them.
He probably could do the Ryan Seacrest thing, most definitely. That doesn't make it a good idea to have Ryan Seacrest or David Arquette as the WWE Champion.

2nd, my answer is still, "so what?" I'm pretty sure he's far from the only one.