Problem with Ryback is that now, he's just another muhfukka. Even if they were gonna do that finish at HIAC, they shoulda moved him away from the title picture at that point. Instead they kept him in it and kept him failing to win the belt. Then, dropped the Rumble. Then got pinned in the 6-man tag which really made him look normal. The HIAC loss was a fluke and he fukked Punk up immediately afterwards so they had that to fall back on (and come back to later if they wanted). But all this losing and doing nothing about it has killed the momentum.
At least with this Shield feud, if he's gonna get his payback, he should be in a position where they've always had to beat him up 3 on 1 but he'd kick their asses individually. So then when he finally does get his big win (probably at Mania), it'd look more impressive cause he finally beat the shyt out of all three. But it hasn't been like that. It's just been him gettin' his ass kicked every time. His career ain't over or no shyt like that, but the whole 'Feed Me More' doesn't work as well now... cause it's been proven he can't handle more.