I met her at the airport when I was only like 13.The guy over the skycap division was a friend of the family, and he hooked me up with a summer job.Met a bunch of famous people, but Adina was by far the coolest/most down to earth.
I was standing far away, so it took me a minute to really recognize who she was.Celebs are always shorter/more petite looking in person.
Craziest part about it, a lot of dudes were intimidated.They stood about 20 ft away from her, just gawking.
I said fukk it and just went and sat next to her.I talked to her for about a good 30 minutes until her flight came.The nicest lady, man.She even told me she had a younger sister she was gonna hook me up with.
As she was leaving to get on the plane, she gave me a kiss on the cheek and told me "Thanks for talking with me

She wasn't the man eating "tiger" that she came off as in her videos.
That wasn't it....I missed the next day of work and got back the day after that.Soon as I hit the time clock, every nicca in my department ran up to me like "Guess who asked about you yesterday?

Me: "who?


She had rolled back through there, but I missed her....probably had her lil sister's number ready for me