@Big Mel.....The White Hip Hop Enthusiast Drops The "N" Bomb & Gives Out Phone #.....


May 1, 2012
for clarity,....

how do i put this.
in big mel's favor,....
although we have talked about this particular subject.
plus, i have given out warning to him about the brevity of this occurring.
i can say, big mel honestly gives me a better understanding of the frustration.
somebody in big mel's particular case has in this whole ordeal.
big mel, is actually like the white guy.
who is from the projects, like for real.
like for real, for real.....
so, understanding and hearing his origin.
plus, the numerous life critical lessons he has faced from that environment.
i, don't agree but i know the reasoning.
plus, how for survival socially being one of none.
how he had to use the word for his basic survival.
yet, in his survival i don't get malice from him using it.
yet, in text...everything is tone deaf and your use of the word.
is always going to be a shackle to you being seen as truely genuine.
from someone who does not know you privately.
plus, your use of the word creates a vacuum that can hurt the contingent of the elite.
who actually talk to you, because your use of the word is defiant.
to the very inherent public and central scope to the people you communicate with.
so, to fully respect the company you keep you must uphold the mantra of not using the word, anymore, ever.

art barr

now, so people learn why i only provide a few submissions in rap and don't work much in the industry.
plus, don't gravitate towards any sector of the industry is because of respect.
i find i am disrespected as a black man.
making rap records in the under underground and i feel disrespected making records in a major label ideal as well.
being one of the few and only rappers in the under-under ground with real actual content and real skills that translate to both.
i, know exactly who in the fukk i am,..
i am the protege to the greatest battle rap legend in the history of all of fukking rap, period.
i am the protege to the greatest freestyle emcee in the history of fukk'n rap, period.
in that, i know i am second in legacy and skillset, and execution of skills to that.
which, is why i don't let my skillset come out and be a subject of study for people.
i know who i am, i know what skills i have and where the pedigree of where i come from.
i know how much more advanced i am as an emccee.
including, the pedigree and the pedigree of the individual skill and skillsets of where i come from is.
i know my advancement in skill is about fifteen years ahead of most and ten years ahead.
or neck and neck with the most technically proficient in all of rap in every sector.
i, know what i was releasing for underground consumption in 99.
was only rivaled by a few in rap for that time and why four years later when it came out.
it still had a draw and was taking me as far as the first day i recorded and dropped the first version unmixed to HPK.

i know i can do it all, except....make music for a contingent of people, where i am disrespected.
i have really lived this culture and i have lived to see every race, creed, and culture in every time exist.
since, the late nineties, in the under ground i am disrespected, because of this race factor and the use of this word.
from public to every underground rathole, where rap is found, and no the word does not strengthen racial lines.
it weakens it when used by the wrong party.
as it easily is an extension of the ivy league mantra, of check your privilege.

the reason why i have went away from appealing to either side is both sides are lost.
so, making rap music in any sector is a complete and utter turn off to me.
past, just getting to go in the booth.
which, if i honk my own horn skillwise is not a long session, by any means.
so, i really only get to rhyme a short time.
as opposed to, and incomparison to how long i am assaulted with disrespect after the record is out.

especially since, i was there to watch both errode, from a cultural and business perspective on both sides.
regardless of how the genres were perceived and how they try to act so unrelated in fukkery to one another.
yet, both are now one in the same and the only difference is race.
an issue that should not even be apart of the rap world, EVER!

i can also say,...
i have numerous run in's with the appalling use of the word nikka, by the wrong parties consistently.
to the point,.....
that when you have a rap producer.
who you have to ween off the word.
plus, explain the deep dark rabbit hole that cames after the slippery slope of the use of the word.
is even uttered with the wrong party present.
then, you come into a conflict and the word is used.
even, in an non-inflammatory way it can still be misconstrued.
especially from a bystander party, in private or public and all out mayhem could ensue.
where someone who actually does care about you.
yet, violates the actual sanctity of who you are verbally.
even, in a non-violent and non-inflammatory way.
you soon come to understand why in reality these social norms exist.
why the word is banned from the use of people who are not black

to add, on to this.
i know from experience why i never did molemen records that were released.
as the original molemen producer contingent and lineup.
i worked with was ostracized.
or not part of the group for whatever reason.
which maybe the use of the word nikka is a part of.
where, arguably the most brilliant molemen member.
never got to go further because of this possibly being a detractor.
in his earlier career, and then later on when a guy like me could have resurrected it, as well.
when, his work is the original work.
that almost closed vakill's original recording contract.

now, after that experience...
i have learned to not jump the gun, impulsively.
i had to create a tolerance mode to work under.
plus, install for combating the use of the word from someone's vocabulary.
who should not be using the word.
if i ran into someone else who was of a genuine nature.
yet, this word prohibited them from going further.
i, would operate on a we will see basis.

now, i will say in my other adventures in this community.
either, in person or on the phone or what have you.

big mel, is one of the top people.
i have ever communicated on here with, from a cultural hiphop knowledge perspective on rap music.
along with the likes of a few other people here, which only extends to a list of six.

i will say, out of the possible six, seven or eight people.
i have had long convo's or actual physical meetings with.
there was one meeting with a poster and i don't even know their name, anymore.
yet, they were from seattle and their use of the n word being white.
came out of nowhere and was so repulsive.
that it turned me off to hearing anyone try to sneak around using the word ever again.
i immediately hung up on this person.
after calming myself to make sure i was exact.
after, running this person down about the use of the word.
plus, how extremely disrespectful it was and who it was directed toward.
especially, after i had to check said person.
on knowledge of self prinicples and the like in one phone call, just minutes before this.
where i even had to take this person's phone number off the board, directly.
all, because they wanted to be checked, and dared me to do so.
so, i obliged and called said poster and it lead to me checking them like they wanted.
yet, during the phone call.
his use of the word, and whom it was extended towards.
was one of the most repulsive verbal acts i have ever heard in my actual life.
that is how extreme and in his privilege as a white guy this person was.
where, the black person he disrespected.
was a black woman's young female child he was dating and living with.

now, flash forward to me coming in contact to big mel, about two years later after this.
to the point, that is how i arose at saying and explaining to big mel.
the grander scheme in not using the word.
even given his socialization as an actual real poverty stricken project kid.
plus, given his race...
regardless, of how indoctrined, blessed, and ordained he was in his locale.
that through his own origin, not by me, arose at giving him.
what he feels by privilege is a basic pass.
plus, created one of the few exceptions out of the numerous times.
i have had to not say choice words to people.
who are white and use the word, nikka.

in the rap world, i have had to check this numerous times and big mel is no different in how fast i reacted.
yet, big mel was the first person who was white i knew.
who really had a background as unique as his.
so, big mel is literally the albatross, and has taken a lifetime of lumps and numerous physical abuse.
for the use of this word, including this time.
yet, and still big homie, @Big Mel, it is time for you to respect the race you truely love.
then, cease and desist use of the word.
if you truely are about being the bboy you are.
you can't go to the next level in the social culture of hiphop.
till, you stop use of the word, completely.

to even continue to reaffirm who you are, and being apart of the culture.
not using the word, nikka is an extreme part of what you have to do to keep it real.
as, you have to start keeping it real and being FULLY prescient of what culture you are apart of.
plus, being prescient, mindful and respectful of the contingent of people who created the culture.
that gave you a safe haven, in extreme poverty and also socialized you in one of the most advanced urban landscapes and times in history.

be mindful, big melanon.....
be respectful, and stop saying the word, nikka.


art barr

text is tone deaf.
i don't mean malice towards you,..just understanding.
followed by swift GLOBAL CHANGE AND real spirit changing ACTION


Prince of Persia. Stalked for daps
Feb 18, 2015
for clarity,....

how do i put this.
in big mel's favor,....
although we have talked about this particular subject.
plus, i have given out warning to him about the brevity of this occurring.
i can say, big mel honestly gives me a better understanding of the frustration.
somebody in big mel's particular case has in this whole ordeal.
big mel, is actually like the white guy.
who is from the projects, like for real.
like for real, for real.....
so, understanding and hearing his origin.
plus, the numerous life critical lessons he has faced from that environment.
i, don't agree but i know the reasoning.
plus, how for survival socially being one of none.
how he had to use the word for his basic survival.
yet, in his survival i don't get malice from him using it.
yet, in text...everything is tone deaf and your use of the word.
is always going to be a shackle to you being seen as truely genuine.
from someone who does not know you privately.
plus, your use of the word creates a vacuum that can hurt the contingent of the elite.
who actually talk to you, because your use of the word is defiant.
to the very inherent public and central scope to the people you communicate with.
so, to fully respect the company you keep you must uphold the mantra of not using the word, anymore, ever.

art barr

now, so people learn why i only provide a few submissions in rap and don't work much in the industry.
plus, don't gravitate towards any sector of the industry is because of respect.
i find i am disrespected as a black man.
making rap records in the under underground and i feel disrespected making records in a major label ideal as well.
being one of the few and only rappers in the under-under ground with real actual content and real skills that translate to both.
i, know exactly who in the fukk i am,..
i am the protege to the greatest battle rap legend in the history of all of fukking rap, period.
i am the protege to the greatest freestyle emcee in the history of fukk'n rap, period.
in that, i know i am second in legacy and skillset, and execution of skills to that.
which, is why i don't let my skillset come out and be a subject of study for people.
i know who i am, i know what skills i have and where the pedigree of where i come from.
i know how much more advanced i am as an emccee.
including, the pedigree and the pedigree of the individual skill and skillsets of where i come from is.
i know my advancement in skill is about fifteen years ahead of most and ten years ahead.
or neck and neck with the most technically proficient in all of rap in every sector.
i, know what i was releasing for underground consumption in 99.
was only rivaled by a few in rap for that time and why four years later when it came out.
it still had a draw and was taking me as far as the first day i recorded and dropped the first version unmixed to HPK.

i know i can do it all, except....make music for a contingent of people, where i am disrespected.
i have really lived this culture and i have lived to see every race, creed, and culture in every time exist.
since, the late nineties, in the under ground i am disrespected, because of this race factor and the use of this word.
from public to every underground rathole, where rap is found, and no the word does not strengthen racial lines.
it weakens it when used by the wrong party.
as it easily is an extension of the ivy league mantra, of check your privilege.

the reason why i have went away from appealing to either side is both sides are lost.
so, making rap music in any sector is a complete and utter turn off to me.
past, just getting to go in the booth.
which, if i honk my own horn skillwise is not a long session, by any means.
so, i really only get to rhyme a short time.
as opposed to, and incomparison to how long i am assaulted with disrespect after the record is out.

especially since, i was there to watch both errode, from a cultural and business perspective on both sides.
regardless of how the genres were perceived and how they try to act so unrelated in fukkery to one another.
yet, both are now one in the same and the only difference is race.
an issue that should not even be apart of the rap world, EVER!

i can also say,...
i have numerous run in's with the appalling use of the word nikka, by the wrong parties consistently.
to the point,.....
that when you have a rap producer.
who you have to ween off the word.
plus, explain the deep dark rabbit hole that cames after the slippery slope of the use of the word.
is even uttered with the wrong party present.
then, you come into a conflict and the word is used.
even, in an non-inflammatory way it can still be misconstrued.
especially from a bystander party, in private or public and all out mayhem could ensue.
where someone who actually does care about you.
yet, violates the actual sanctity of who you are verbally.
even, in a non-violent and non-inflammatory way.
you soon come to understand why in reality these social norms exist.
why the word is banned from the use of people who are not black

to add, on to this.
i know from experience why i never did molemen records that were released.
as the original molemen producer contingent and lineup.
i worked with was ostracized.
or not part of the group for whatever reason.
which maybe the use of the word nikka is a part of.
where, arguably the most brilliant molemen member.
never got to go further because of this possibly being a detractor.
in his earlier career, and then later on when a guy like me could have resurrected it, as well.
when, his work is the original work.
that almost closed vakill's original recording contract.

now, after that experience...
i have learned to not jump the gun, impulsively.
i had to create a tolerance mode to work under.
plus, install for combating the use of the word from someone's vocabulary.
who should not be using the word.
if i ran into someone else who was of a genuine nature.
yet, this word prohibited them from going further.
i, would operate on a we will see basis.

now, i will say in my other adventures in this community.
either, in person or on the phone or what have you.

big mel, is one of the top people.
i have ever communicated on here with, from a cultural hiphop knowledge perspective on rap music.
along with the likes of a few other people here, which only extends to a list of six.

i will say, out of the possible six, seven or eight people.
i have had long convo's or actual physical meetings with.
there was one meeting with a poster and i don't even know their name, anymore.
yet, they were from seattle and their use of the n word being white.
came out of nowhere and was so repulsive.
that it turned me off to hearing anyone try to sneak around using the word ever again.
i immediately hung up on this person.
after calming myself to make sure i was exact.
after, running this person down about the use of the word.
plus, how extremely disrespectful it was and who it was directed toward.
especially, after i had to check said person.
on knowledge of self prinicples and the like in one phone call, just minutes before this.
where i even had to take this person's phone number off the board, directly.
all, because they wanted to be checked, and dared me to do so.
so, i obliged and called said poster and it lead to me checking them like they wanted.
yet, during the phone call.
his use of the word, and whom it was extended towards.
was one of the most repulsive verbal acts i have ever heard in my actual life.
that is how extreme and in his privilege as a white guy this person was.
where, the black person he disrespected.
was a black woman's young female child he was dating and living with.

now, flash forward to me coming in contact to big mel, about two years later after this.
to the point, that is how i arose at saying and explaining to big mel.
the grander scheme in not using the word.
even given his socialization as an actual real poverty stricken project kid.
plus, given his race...
regardless, of how indoctrined, blessed, and ordained he was in his locale.
that through his own origin, not by me, arose at giving him.
what he feels by privilege is a basic pass.
plus, created one of the few exceptions out of the numerous times.
i have had to not say choice words to people.
who are white and use the word, nikka.

in the rap world, i have had to check this numerous times and big mel is no different in how fast i reacted.
yet, big mel was the first person who was white i knew.
who really had a background as unique as his.
so, big mel is literally the albatross, and has taken a lifetime of lumps and numerous physical abuse.
for the use of this word, including this time.
yet, and still big homie, @Big Mel, it is time for you to respect the race you truely love.
then, cease and desist use of the word.
if you truely are about being the bboy you are.
you can't go to the next level in the social culture of hiphop.
till, you stop use of the word, completely.

to even continue to reaffirm who you are, and being apart of the culture.
not using the word, nikka is an extreme part of what you have to do to keep it real.
as, you have to start keeping it real and being FULLY prescient of what culture you are apart of.
plus, being prescient, mindful and respectful of the contingent of people who created the culture.
that gave you a safe haven, in extreme poverty and also socialized you in one of the most advanced urban landscapes and times in history.

be mindful, big melanon.....
be respectful, and stop saying the word, nikka.


art barr

text is tone deaf.
i don't mean malice towards you,..just understanding.
followed by swift GLOBAL CHANGE AND real spirit changing ACTION


Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
Tua is Pacific Islander? Mephis is Subcontinent?

Yall both Asian, join hands. Unite. Don't fight over a racist white boy who only really feels himself.

I'm actually Bermudian and Guyanese (half African by way of Bermuda, half Indian by way of Guyana). That Tua dude is just some weird ass fakkit who's been e-stalking me for some unknown reason for several years dating back to sohh. I don't pay him any mind. I may respond to about 1 out of every 10 times he mentions me.

I have no idea why he has "beef" with me as I didn't even know who he was before he started his little glitter bombing jihad against me. He's one weird fukk, though. He does this to other posters too, and he always says extremely racist shyt to whoever the person is, regardless of their race. He's said racist shyt to black posters, white posters, hispanic posters...it doesn't matter. He's talked about black posters in HL sticking bones up there nose and other st0rmfr0nt type shyt like that, and got warned by mods before. He's Polynesian, so maybe he feels invisible because he belongs to a race most people don't really know exist or acknowledge, so he just hates everyone.

He's obviously very miserable and hates himself a lot. Any homosexual Polynesian Muslim "real hip-hopper" has gotta have some issues and a lot of self-loathing going on. I kinda feel sorry him. It must suck to have to deal with internal conflicts like "Will Allah punish me if I face mecca while I get fukked in the ass"?