My gawd. Great fukkn show.
Bravo ladies. Bra fukkn vo!
Unbelievably good show. I love walking into shyt with no expectations.
Just binged the first season in two days and your reactions in here were exactly how I was feeling. Excellent show and I had no idea what to expect.
Every time Nicole Kidman's character spoke/fought back against her abuser I had a mix of

They did a great job handling an abusive relationship and showing the struggle. It's easy for a lot of people, especially men unfortunately, to tell an abuse survivor to just leave, but it's rarely that simple. Aside from the emotional toll, Nicole Kidman's character was lucky she had her own money, a good therapist, and a legal education because a lot of women in that position are truly stuck. She had every resource available and it still took her a while to make the move. A lot of women end up in shelters or on someone's couch in a situation like that if they finally escape. I hope this show opened up some eyes.