It won't...when a show revolves around the buildup to a big mystery and it gets solved it only gows downhill from there(Twin Peaks)HBO took a W with this one, 2nd season might not match the first tho
Really looks awful. Laura dern is only 53? She looks 70. Nothing in the trailer looks interesting at all. Will probably just watch for Zoe kravitz doin yoga
Nicole Kidman needs to work harder on not letting her Australian accent slip out
I was rewatching some episodes last night and her accepnt kept slipping out. I was thinking, is the character not American?
Her husband is easily one of the most unlikeable characters ever.
I'm just happy we're getting something from Jean Marc-Vallee on HBO again.I'm actually hype for this, not cus I think it'll be good, but because I'm curious as to how they'll pull this off, and because there aint shyt on TV on Sundays smh.