What did Dan do to the BB14 jury? Danielle Reyes to the BB3 jury? Paul to the BB18 jury? Tyler to the BB20 jury?
Juries didn't exist in BB3. When the players got voted out, they went back home. Danielle was sweet in person, but roasted people in her confessionals, so they held that against her. Danielle knew this. She should've had more tact in what she said behind people's backs.
Dan and Paul played very hard, but their gameplay left people feeling dehumanized. They treated people like chess pieces. No one likes to feel like an object.
Tyler wasn't as likable to the jurors as Kaycee was. In the end, it always comes down to likability. No one has ever won because although they were hated, they played a "good" game. EVERY winner won because they were more liked than their opponent. Every one of them.
A bitter jury is not why Monte lost. He lost because no one liked him.
What's funny about this. Josh had the worst jury management of any BB winner outside of Evel dikk.
In his goodbye messages, Josh would come off as apologetic and humble to the evicted jury members, making sure that their last impression of him was positive.
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