I think Monte is going to throw it, so he gets Taylor’s vote.
We’ve been saying that for weeks now, but I honestly think she still would have had a better chance over trying to win over two other players (Monte & Turner) who are decent at comps. She should have attempted to get Alyssa up on the block that DE. Imo it would have at the very least been easier for her to get to round 3. No way Brittany or Alyssa beats her time.She wouldn’t have beat Michael. If they didn’t get him out then, he would have won out.
He supposedly knows the question way better than Turner. So he’s going to have to legit try to lose, intentionally.I think Monte is going to throw it, so he gets Taylor’s vote.
It’s probably due to age. But his face is still full of Botox, because it doesn’t move.Is Dr. Will voice a little off to ya’ll?
When Cody cut Nicole in BB Alll Stars, you could already tell in that little bit after the final comp he was about to cut her. I didn’t get that from Monte, he was still dapping Turner up. Yeah he’s taking Turner.I really don’t want to see this girl get evicted after she let him smash.