To use two of her own alliance members (a guy) as a pawn, and get out a guy. She promised Joseph & Kyle safety during the comp

Now I don’t want Monte, Joseph, and Kyle to all make kt to the end. That would be wack to me. BUT, this is dumb. Taylor is a sweet girl, but she’s bad at the game (like I’ve always said). She doesn’t know how to strategize, her group has been making decisions as a group, and now that she has the power you see she cannot make the best move for herself on her own. Also, why does she seek acceptance from people who treat her horribly, and is never going to respect her. Jasmine, Indy, and Terrance should be a no brainer for her. Yes the guys used her as a pawn over, and over again but they also gave you life in the game, brung you in, and helped get out those who wronged you.
I hope Michael & Littany convince her this isn’t a good move. Honestly imo, if she plans on using the men in her own alliance as pawns. She may as well just have them be the target
EDIT: I think Littany (mainly), Monte, and Turner convinced her to just put up Indy & Terrance. She’s still a bad player for what she was originally considering though. And if i was Monte, and Turner. I would be like, did she seriously promise the other side safety, and was planning on using us as pawn? Wtf. I would lose some trust with her after that bit they seem cool about it so far.
And like someone on reddit said “It pisses me off Taylor would nominate turner and monte over Kyle”. I don’t even fukk with Monte like that, and I agree with that statement. It also bothers me how the other side wants Monte out more than Michael. When Michael has 5 competition wins in only 5 weeks. I say this as a Michael fan, I want him to win more than everybody else in the house, but come on, b.