Big brother season 24 thread


Aug 25, 2012
Paterson/Passaic, New Jersey
From what I’m seeing on the feeds the hoh is planning
To use two of her own alliance members (a guy) as a pawn, and get out a guy. She promised Joseph & Kyle safety during the comp :what:Now I don’t want Monte, Joseph, and Kyle to all make kt to the end. That would be wack to me. BUT, this is dumb. Taylor is a sweet girl, but she’s bad at the game (like I’ve always said). She doesn’t know how to strategize, her group has been making decisions as a group, and now that she has the power you see she cannot make the best move for herself on her own. Also, why does she seek acceptance from people who treat her horribly, and is never going to respect her. Jasmine, Indy, and Terrance should be a no brainer for her. Yes the guys used her as a pawn over, and over again but they also gave you life in the game, brung you in, and helped get out those who wronged you.

I hope Michael & Littany convince her this isn’t a good move. Honestly imo, if she plans on using the men in her own alliance as pawns. She may as well just have them be the target :yeshrug:

EDIT: I think Littany (mainly), Monte, and Turner convinced her to just put up Indy & Terrance. She’s still a bad player for what she was originally considering though. And if i was Monte, and Turner. I would be like, did she seriously promise the other side safety, and was planning on using us as pawn? Wtf. I would lose some trust with her after that bit they seem cool about it so far.

And like someone on reddit said “It pisses me off Taylor would nominate turner and monte over Kyle”. I don’t even fukk with Monte like that, and I agree with that statement. It also bothers me how the other side wants Monte out more than Michael. When Michael has 5 competition wins in only 5 weeks. I say this as a Michael fan, I want him to win more than everybody else in the house, but come on, b.
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Aug 16, 2017
I was glad to see Taylor as HOH, but she is a people pleaser, and wants people to like her.

Her best bet is getting rid of Jasmine or Terrence. It’s sad that this season has come down to the black people being against each other, but those are the two people who were the most against her.

She should put up Alyssa, and Jasmine, with Indy as a replacement. Terrence isn’t winning anything. I’d get Alyssa out, because she’s a vote for Kyle in jury.


After Indy and Jasmine, I’d get Michael out. He’s won too many competitions, and he’s dangerous. Then I’d get rid of Monty as a physical threat, because the physical vetos come later in the game. Kaycee went on a late game veto run, because she was an athlete.

I’d take Brittany to the end, because it would be easy to campaign against her to jury, because she doesn’t have the social connections.


GOAT human
Jul 3, 2018
Monte and Turner really talked Taylor off the ledge. Haha

I'm still rooting for Taylor. No one's perfect.


Aug 25, 2012
Paterson/Passaic, New Jersey
So much flipping these last few days on what's the plan, and who's the target. Messy HOH that would have been a layup for any decent player. Monday afternoon after veto ceremony there should be some discussions but nothing's set in stone right now.


Aug 25, 2012
Paterson/Passaic, New Jersey
Twitter turned on Michael & Brittany today because they both are kind of siding with Kyle this week. And Kyle is making it a race thing. The BB fandom is ridiculous. They really think Michael & Brittany is doing this because they never fukked with Taylor. Nikka they love, and adore Taylor, but Taylor’s HOH has been horrible and rubbing them the wrong way. They just realized Taylor is not as solid as they’d hope, and they have to work on and build other relationships in the house (most of this is their own fault). It’s all about having numbers, and being strategic. I’m tired of seeing on Twitter people acting like Taylor can do no wrong, and anyone who goes against her is some kind of bad person or something.

Like i said, this nikka Kyle is making it a race thing. But at the same time, Taylor not wanting to put you know who up. Is making it look like in his eyes, that what he was theorizing is in fact true. And that there is a Cookout 2.0. This could have been an easy week. Do the logical move. But no, Taylor wants to make good tv. Nikkas is blaming everybody but Taylor. They don’t want to admit she’s bad at the game. The same way they won’t admit Day’Vonne is bad at the game. Taylor literally needs her hand to be held to make the best decisions for her own game. She claimed she binged most of the show, but i can tell BB23 was the only season she learned from. It’s unfortunate, but not every season is like BB23. Instead of playing Big Brother. She’s playing the morals, and good tv game.

Side note, people are saying the live audience returns Thursday...Oh, and Kyle smashed Alyssa last night in the have not room on a floatie. Got to get it how you live, I guess :manny:
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Aug 25, 2012
Paterson/Passaic, New Jersey
Kyle didn't use the veto, Taylor and him apparently staged a small argument where Taylor "screamed".

Nobody has played this season without some mistakes. With that said, i'm rooting for Michael, and or Britt (mostly Michael). I don't like how people turned on them, and are calling them racist on twitter because no one can play both sides when Taylor's involved. It's Taylor, or nothing for them. Just ignore the fact she has HOHitis, does anything Joseph tells her to do, and is protecting people who has, and always will be her enemy in the game.

Anyway if M/B make it past this next twist they should be fine imo. Them playing the middle right now is risky, it could hurt them, but it's actually been helping them so far. It's possible Michael begin's drifting away from Britt. I hope not though. I feel like they make a pretty good team. When Michel was somewhat confronted by Taylor last night. Britt kept it calm, and did good. Michael was damn near struggling to form a sentence. Michael was however more rational in the convo though. People say Britt is riding his coattails (in the beginning this was the case), but not imo (not now at least). Michael's great at comps though (which is good & bad). I think they balance each other out.

EDIT: Someone posted this on Reddit and I agree “BB needs actual villains as an outlet for the fanbase. Without them all the toxicity of the fans starts getting directed towards people who don't really deserve it and it becomes way less fun”.
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Apr 30, 2012
Twitter turned on Michael & Brittany today because they both are kind of siding with Kyle this week. And Kyle is making it a race thing. The BB fandom is ridiculous. They really think Michael & Brittany is doing this because they never fukked with Taylor. Nikka they love, and adore Taylor, but Taylor’s HOH has been horrible and rubbing them the wrong way. They just realized Taylor is not as solid as they’d hope, and they have to work on and build other relationships in the house (most of this is their own fault). It’s all about having numbers, and being strategic. I’m tired of seeing on Twitter people acting like Taylor can do no wrong, and anyone who goes against her is some kind of bad person or something.

Like i said, this nikka Kyle is making it a race thing. But at the same time, Taylor not wanting to put you know who up. Is making it look like in his eyes, that what he was theorizing is in fact true. And that there is a Cookout 2.0. This could have been an easy week. Do the logical move. But no, Taylor wants to make good tv. Nikkas is blaming everybody but Taylor. They don’t want to admit she’s bad at the game. The same way they won’t admit Day’Vonne is bad at the game. Taylor literally needs her hand to be held to make the best decisions for her own game. She claimed she binged most of the show, but i can tell BB23 was the only season she learned from. It’s unfortunate, but not every season is like BB23. Instead of playing Big Brother. She’s playing the morals, and good tv game.

Side note, people are saying the live audience returns Thursday...Oh, and Kyle smashed Alyssa last night in the have not room on a floatie. Got to get it how you live, I guess :manny:
BB twitter is off the rails :mjlol:
Its like mf's want there to be a race war
instead of noticing that Taylor is not a very good player

I avoid that shyt.
If you just follow some of these clowns, you would think there was a an all out race war in the house or its on the level of BB15

Kyle made a nonsensical claim that the people of color in the house are creating a Cookout-like alliance, but its not like he is all the way in with that idea.

Calling him "KKKyle" that shyt is extreme :huhldup:


Aug 25, 2012
Paterson/Passaic, New Jersey
Jasmine’s bday part is happening now. This shyt is hilarious. They’re going around complimenting her one by one. And Turner is dying laughing while it’s happening. Because he knows they all hate her. He looks like he’d rather be anywhere but there at times to. It’s mad funny :mjlol:

EDIT: Alyssa is lit, and saying period after every sentence again :dead:

EDIT: It fizzled out kind of fast. This cast has nothing on BB23 cast when it comes to thinking of new ways to entertain the feed watchers.
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Keep your glory, gold and glitter
Apr 30, 2012
Jasmine’s bday part is happening now. This shyt is hilarious. They’re going around complimenting her one by one. And Turner is dying laughing while it’s happening. Because he knows they all hate her. He looks like he’d rather be anywhere but there at times to. It’s mad funny :mjlol:

EDIT: Alyssa is lit, and saying period after every sentence again :dead:

EDIT: It fizzled out kind of fast. This cast has nothing on BB23 cast when it comes to thinking of new ways to entertain the feed watchers.
I miss bb23, big blue couch :russ:
Aug 16, 2017
Brittany and Kyle talking about bringing in Terrance, because they know it looks bad they have a white side alliance.


Yeah, you’re targeting the POC, and using him as a token, so if it walks like a duck….

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